I am a realistic person.

I'm always being realistic.

You've got to be realistic.

I'm a very realistic person.

I'm a pretty realistic person.

I'm very practical and realistic.

I'm very ambitious but realistic.

Be realistic: Go for the impossible!

I try to be as realistic as possible.

'Realistic dreamer' is not an oxymoron.

Goals have to be realistic and flexible.

Be realistic: always wish the impossible.

'Shameless' is just such a realistic show.

Me playing for the Knicks is not realistic.

I rarely get to be part of realistic films.

Let's be realistic. Let's do the impossible!

The water in 'Life of Pi' is very realistic.

I have a very realistic style to my wrestling.

If poets were realistic, they wouldn't be poets.

My stories include realistic fiction and fantasy.

The more realistic US policy becomes, the better.

Usually most characters I play are quite realistic.

Real acting is realistic no matter what the medium.

You know in the West they support realistic forces.

The subject of a good tragedy must not be realistic.

Making realistic films is basically about the style.

I believe politicians should always remain realistic.

I am a realistic type of guy. I am my biggest critic.

You are not realistic unless you believe in miracles!

We don't have a culture of realistic acting in India.

Anybody who pretends to be objective isn't realistic.

I describe in a realistic form a nonrealistic Reality.

'The Wire' is very realistic and based on real events.

Dreams that are realistic, often come out of fantasies.

I feel that Sarkar is a realistic superman in his life.

People have to be realistic, or the dream just drags on.

People must be realistic when evaluating their business.

We should always be practical, realistic and optimistic.

Be safe and be realistic. They're both equally important.

I would love to do realistic films that are entertaining.

I was pretty realistic about my chances of being drafted.

I've become a huge fan of small films and realistic roles.

I'm a pretty skeptical person, and I'm a realistic person.

The New Look of Batman is more illustrative and realistic.

Set realistic goals, keep re-evaluating, and be consistent.

believe that giving up is the same thing as being realistic.

I would like to become champion, but I'm realistic about it.

Le Mans' is the only racing movie that is totally realistic.

I deal with football from a realistic, logical point of view.

We need better public education and more realistic education.

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