Every realm of nature is marvelous.

Without Justice, no realm may prosper.

I walk in the realm of the supernatural.

Take a journey to the realm of the truth.

The real battlefield is the realm of ideas.

Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold.

Death is birth into the realm of the spirit.

The press is the fourth estate of the realm.

There is a realm where the rainbow never fades

During the day, the library is a realm of order.

How fair the realm Imagination opens to the view.

I find only freedom in the realms of eccentricity.

Money brings honor, friends, conquest, and realms.

Politics and power is a realm of relative influence.

One realm we have never conquered: the pure present.

I absolutely adore working in the realms of fantasy.

Reality of things is hidden in the realm of the unseen

What place does a woman have here, in the realm of men?

You cannot seek for the ideal outside the realm of reality.

Truth telling is not compatible with the defence of the realm.

Within this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we live.

The proper place for liberality is in the realm of the emotions.

Israel is moving from the realm of poetry to the realm of prose.

I am interested in risk, in art as well as in the realm of politics.

I can never experience the next realm of glory until I crucify myself.

Truth and right are above utility in all realms of thought and action.

I am not into the unrealistic realm of magic realism where birds talk.

At 26, I felt myself a victim rather than a victor in the realm of pictures.

If you are under control, you lose the danger of glimpsing an unknown realm.

In the realm of Nature there is nothing purposeless, trivial, or unnecessary

In the spiritual realm nothing is indifferent: what is not useful is harmful.

Allegories are, in the realm of thought, what ruins are in the realm of things.

There are realms of life where the concepts of sense and nonsense do not apply.

The gallery in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm.

Escape from the realm of the dead is impossible. She's not dead. Not this time.

There is a spiritual realm that is available to all who find its many entrances.

We've barley stepped into the bright glow of the realms when everything goes dark.

The realm of Suaron is ended!' said Gandalf. 'The Ring-bearer has fulfilled his Quest

History is a realm in which human freedom and natural necessity are curiously intermingled.

The entire heavenly realm is within us, but to find it we have to relate to what's outside.

Losing honour or losing everything, it is all the same thing in the realm of the good people.

Scripture indicates that heaven is not distant but rather... heaven is near in another realm.

Through revision, I enter the realm of the unspeakable and find the words that have eluded me.

I have to be ahead of myself so I don't just fit into the realm of everybody who sounds like me.

Fame or infamy, either one is preferable to being forgotten when you have passed from this realm.

The less you obey the Word of God, the more you distance yourself from God in the spiritual realm

Art when inspired with love leads to higher realms, and that art will open for you the inner life.

What happened in the milliseconds before a behavior to cause it? That's in the neurobiological realm.

The human mind is a channel through which things-to-be are coming into the realm of things-that-are .

Beyond the realms of what we see, into the regions or the unexplored limited only by our imaginations.

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