No one saw the recession coming.

In God, there is no lack and no recession.

We are in the middle of an education recession.

We simply can't spend our way out of a recession.

Wall Street excesses helped lead to the Great Recession.

Everyone drinks more during a recession; they want to forget.

I'm astonished at how quickly the Great Recession came and went.

Our first goal is to stop the recession and start with recovery.

Making new products is an easy tap for a company in a recession.

History has shown that even in a recession, consumers go to shows.

New York never felt the recession. New York never felt a depression.

I don't know if you call a burger 'recession food.' It's comfort food.

I don't think there will be a recession as a result of a vote to leave.

You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.

Utah is one of the nation's leaders in rebounding from the Great Recession.

Loving relatives and home-cooked meals are solid levees against a recession.

There are always, of course, job losses of a cyclical nature in a recession.

Recession is when a neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.

People stop buying things, and that is how you turn a slowdown into a recession.

The quality of our journalism will make or break our industry, not the recession.

Aggressive government spending during the Great Recession was absolutely necessary.

Faced with a deep recession, some say the answer is to expand the role of government.

In a recession, you must be able to call into question everything you've done before.

All of this talk of recession offends me. I am delighted that bankers have less money.

Whenever there is a recession, the first sector that bounces back is technology services.

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours.

We're still in a recession. We're not gonna be out of it for a while, but we will get out.

If there's a recession, I'd buy stocks. That's when you make money: when markets are spooked.

A government can't cut its way out of a recession any more than you can dig yourself out of a hole.

As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession.

A temporary reduction in tax rates on individual incomes can be a powerful weapon against recession.

Americans don't think we should be raising taxes on anybody, especially in the middle of a recession.

There are different flavors of recession. You can get into some pretty dark scenarios pretty quickly.

If oil prices will go too high, it will slow down the world economy and would trigger a global recession.

The early-'80s recession was good for good restaurants, not least because it put bad ones out of business.

History shows that tax increases during a recession are a recipe for greater unemployment and economic loss.

We got into a recession because the global economy went into the recession and we're a big exporting nation.

I think that in the near term the only threat to demand is some form of recession here in the United States.

We have not recovered all that we lost in the Bush recession. That's why we need to continue to move forward.

Anytime there's a disruption in the supply chain, any time people cut back on spending, there will be a recession.

Unfortunately, in a recession, the people who suffer the most aren't the rich, but the wanna-be rich and the poor.

Nevada was hit hardest by the recession - highest unemployment, highest foreclosure rate, highest bankruptcy rate.

Long periods of recession, which tend to be self-perpetuating, are usually ended by war, or by preparations for it.

Americans know that we cannot tax and spend our way out of a recession, yet Democrats can't grasp this simple fact.

Fear, greed and hope have destroyed more portfolio value than any recession or depression we have ever been through.

As our nation continues to slowly recover from the recession, it is clear some families are doing better than others.

There is always some chance of recession in any year. But the evidence suggests that expansions don't die of old age.

In my view, if you have one in 10 unemployed - something is wrong with the economy whether you call it recession or not.

I favor the extension of the middle-class tax cuts because in a recession they're stimulative and they help with demand.

I think poverty is the biggest challenge for Los Angeles and for many of our cities that have come back from the recession.

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