I don't go around regretting things that don't happen.

Over all life is what it is and regretting is a pointless thing.

Follow the money at all costs, and you might wind up regretting it.

I have always been regretting that I was not as wise as the day I was born.

Nothing is a bigger waste of time than regretting the past and worrying about the future.

When men are not regretting that life is so short, they are doing something to kill time.

I'm trying to be better for my son. And regretting every moment that I'm not spending with him.

I prefer buying things and figuring out where to put them later than regretting not buying them.

I didn't like who I was. I spent a lot of my life regretting who I was, which is a sad thing to say.

There's no point regretting things. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Life's too short to worry about things I've said.

I started with the firm conviction that when I came to the end, I wanted to be regretting the things that I had done, not the things I hadn't.

Like everybody, I've stayed up at night regretting things - Why did I do that, say that - but at the end of the day, I really do believe everything happens for a reason.

I've had a lot more good luck than bad, and I've made a lot more good pictures than bad ones, and I'm pretty happy with what I have. I don't walk around regretting too many things.

I think it's nice to have children. I didn't have many, and while I don't sit around regretting it, I maybe would have liked a couple more. But it wasn't meant to be, and I didn't want it badly enough.

I don't think I can marry a person who I don't know; I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with him. I rather get to know the person first and then decide, instead of saying yes first and regretting it later.

When I went into the last lap I was regretting a bit that it was over. I was enjoying again the first sector for the last time. Simply fantastic this circuit, and if you get 53 laps more, you appreciate it even more. It's made by God's hands.

The idea of regretting not doing this seemed insane to me. Sitting in the corner at a bar at age 60, saying: 'I could've been Bond. Buy me a drink.' That's the saddest place I could be. At least now at 60 I can say: 'I was Bond. Now buy me a drink.'

In 'Straight Talking,' I had bared my soul, and the press attention had been overwhelming. There were times when I felt scared and vulnerable, regretting the articles I had written to publicize the book, regretting I had opened my life up for all to see.

I'm taking a philosophy class and regretting it with everything in me. I'm taking one college class per semester. Philosophy is studying what you already know and dismantling it. I thought it would be right up my alley. I can't tell you how much it's not me.

At this very moment in time there will be people making, breaking relationships, regretting deeply what they've done, and causing hurt, but that is a fact of life, and if we weren't full of emotion, we'd be automatons, and I don't think people want us to be that.

As human beings, we create belief systems that make us feel happy with the choices we make. You'd have a lot of unhappy people regretting everything if they didn't create the belief system in which they could explain all their choices and feel like they've done the right thing.

I don't believe in regretting - one should try to move on. My mum was good at that. She was deeply in love with my father, and he died when I was nine. She remarried, and her second husband died, too. I saw the grieving process she went through. My mother had this way of moving on. It was a fine trait.

We are unlikely to spend our last moments regretting that we didn't spend enough of our lives chained to a desk. We may instead find ourselves rueing the time we didn't spend watching our children grow, or with our loved ones, or travelling, or on the cultural or leisure pursuits that bring us happiness.

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