Anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given.

Every man I meet wants to protect me. I can't figure out what from.

Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things.

The fundamental glue that holds any relationship together is trust.

When I wake you're never there, but when I sleep you're everywhere.

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

It takes one person to forgive, it takes two people to be reunited.

Have the conviction that God is your only real relative and friend.

A thought for today: 'People change and forget to tell each other.'

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before.

When it's over for a woman, it's over. You're not getting an appeal.

I'm lucky in having found the perfect partner to spend my life with.

The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.

He who loves 50 people has 50 woes; he who loves no one has no woes.

Clearly, the Chinese know that we want a good relationship with them

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.

I should have checked the price tag before I gave them my last name.

You've been cold to me so long, I'm crying icicles instead of tears.

In a relationship I'm a very loving person, emotional and sensitive.

Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations.

For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.

Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.

Dick Clark and I had such a hysterical relationship with each other.

All you did was wreck my bed and in the morning kick me in the head.

No matter how much you know a human being, you don't know him enough.

All my Ex's live in Texas, and that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee.

It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone, But It Is Very Hard To Win Someone

Work on your relationships... Relationships need renewal or they die.

The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds - they mature slowly.

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.

Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved.

Our relationship was cursed by the fact that we agreed on everything.

There may be times when you just have to love people from a distance.

At this moment I do not have a personal relationship with a computer.

Not one word, not one gesture of yours shall I, could I, ever forget.

You like every one; that is to say, you are indifferent to every one.

I have a strange relationship with time. I'm not aware of it passing.

Men always talk about the most important things to perfect strangers.

Ultimately, we wish the joy of perfect union with the person we love.

Don't confuse being 'soft' with seeing the other guy's point of view.

The quality of your life is the quality of where you live emotionally

I've been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down.

Baby I'll never forget none of that. Girl I told you I was comin back.

I have a really great relationship with God. I pray. I read the Bible.

Absences are a good influence in love and keep it bright and delicate.

A relationship isn't going to make me survive. It's the cherry on top.

You can't put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories.

In human relationships, kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths.

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