Representation is everything.

The world is my representation

Representation makes a difference.

Representation is a sort of surveillance.

Taxation without representation is tyranny.

I'm about real representation in government.

To me, food is a representation of your soul.

Any representation of God produces accordingly.

Artwork is a representation of our devotion to life.

All representations of a thing are inherently abstract.

I think every record, good or bad, is a representation of us.

First of all, Asian representation hardly exists to begin with.

Art is the concrete representation of our most subtle feelings.

All that once was directly lived has become mere representation.

In a democracy, there should be representation from every field.

All that was once directly lived has become mere representation.

Proportional representation is as British as first-past-the-post.

To represent the nation, you must have multiracial representation.

I'm tired of cookie-cutter monolithic representation of black folks.

The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.

It's so important... to have a variety of representation on television.

My mustache has become this weird iconic representation of a certain era.

The representation of women in hip-hop has long been so flagrantly unkind.

Ours is not the only party which has more representation of family members.

Reality changes; in order to represent it, modes of representation must change.

No good is ever done to society by the pictorial representation of its diseases.

Israel's system of proportional representation rarely produces stable government.

We're highly adaptable and have developed some powerful systems of representation.

The masks were more of a representation of what you wanted to present as yourself.

For whatever reason, I'm a good representation of the guy who doesn't get the girl.

There is no proportional representation requirement in the Equal Protection Clause.

Cinema is a larger-than-life representation. I wish to bring it to the small-screen.

For me, it's important to be the representation that I wanted when I was a young girl.

I'm such a huge advocate for strong, intelligent representation of women in the media.

My wish would be for positive representation and more diversity coming from Hollywood.

The real world is far more hellish for all us than any fictional representation of it.

If you're in the business of law you're in the business of representation and precedent.

I just want the audience to see that the performances are a real representation of myself.

People learn who they are by the images of themselves, the representations that they seek.

It was necessary that the Devil should have a representation upon the earth as well as God.

I'd love to see more equal representation of female and male cartoonists on the comics page.

The fact is fiction is always a representation of life, sometimes the lives of famous people.

Movies aren't just supposed to be a representation of reality. They're supposed to be an art.

Visual representation of it is essential if we're to come to terms with what it is we've done.

I have certainly been very front footed about increasing our gender representation at Westpac.

Because of this the representation I'm interested in is of those things only the eye can touch.

Photography [can] be seen as a system of representation that you bring to bear on other systems.

We want to make sure that anyone facing eviction has access to high-quality legal representation.

From the perspective of mere representation, the external world always remains only a phenomenon.

We gave up on the idea of trying to make the record a good representation of the live performance.

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