Breaking up: It's so easy to return their possessions, but so hard to get our brain cells back.

For all long-term investors, there is only one objective-maximum total real return after taxes.

Arrival in the world is really a departure and that, which we call departure, is only a return.

We leave as we came, and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind.

Because of impatience we were driven out [of Paradise]; because of impatience we cannot return.

I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me. And the cost is more than I can bear.

We do not pass twice through the same door Or return to the door through which we did not pass.

I ask God most often that we would be an unbroken line of Christians until Christ shall return.

There is a dark place calling to me, but I will not go just yet. I know I can't return from it.

If we invest in the American people, the American people always bring this Nation a good return.

We may not return the affection of those who like us, but we always respect their good judgment.

It is time we passed a balanced budget amendment and return this government to limited spending.

My best investment is my imagination because it has never failed to bring me my greatest return.

In 1986, when they made the TV movie, Return to Mayberry, Barney and Thelma Lou did get married!

Our public schools began as ministries of the church; now it is time to return them to the Lord.

If my children call me during the day and leave a message, I return those calls first, not last.

As a young politician, I voted against the return of Sinai and peace with Egypt. I was mistaken.

Neither can the wave that has passed by be recalled, nor the hour which has passed return again.

What we are doing is increasing our focus on cash flow, return on investment, and value creation.

I recognize the delivery of grace to my day, even if I cannot identify a specific return address.

History is cyclical, and it would be foolhardy to assume that the culture wars will never return.

To forget, or pretend to do so, to return a borrowed article, is the meanest sort of petty theft.

There's Doom Patrol, which is the world's strangest superheroes, and they're making their return.

It is not the return on my investment that I am concerned about; it's the return of my investment

So people will come along and do new things and sometimes return to the spirit of an earlier age.

Death is the return to the beginning of the same life with the possibility of repeating it again.

Vanity is as ill at ease under indifference as tenderness is under a love which it cannot return.

I pray you, magnificent Sir, do not trouble yourself to return to us, but await our coming to you.

I don't have any specific plans to return to the 'Age of the Five.' If I do, it won't be a sequel.

Donald Trump doesn't release his tax returns and is indebted to foreign banks and foreign lenders.

I will return to Libya and undertake my duties and obligations to bring equality within the chaos.

The ghastly thing about postal strikes is that after they are over, the service returns to normal.

A snapshot steals life that it cannot return. A long exposure [creates] a form that never existed.

Sometimes you have to disclaim your country and inhabit another before you can return to your own.

We need to get the corporate money out of the political system and return democracy to the people.

I dressed and went for a walk - determined not to return until I took in what Nature had to offer.

Actually, my cd was released in 1985, in return for two German missionaries and a Dutch urologist.

If I decide to run for office, I will release my tax returns. Absolutely. I would love to do that.

I want to return to the epic idea of the grand, big Western, in the sense that 'The Searchers' was.

The test of a true myth is that each time you return to it, new insights and interpretations arise.

It is simply a moral obligation to make sure our nation's heroes have a home to return to at night.

I don't want to be seen as the kind of person who does things and then expects publicity in return.

Israel's days without Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip are gone and will not return.

Most people return small favors, acknowledge medium ones and repay greater ones - with ingratitude.

My links to WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden mean I am treated as a threat and can't return to the U.K.

What you give becomes an investment that will return to you multiplied at some point in the future.

The Bible never divorces the truth of Christ's future return with our present-day responsibilities.

The love of those we don't love in return settles on the surface and from there quickly evaporates.

We conclude that hedge funds are far riskier and provide much lower returns than commonly supposed.

There swift return Diurnal, merely to officiate light Round this opacous earth, this punctual spot.

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