I know I'm gonna die so my revenge is living well.

The best revenge is to live on and prove yourself.

Survival was my only hope, success my only revenge.

The lesson from the smith and wesson is depressin'.

Let's just kill everyone and let God sort them out.

I don't like the word 'revenge' so much in football.

Revenge is a dish that tastes best when served cold.

It costs more to revenge injuries than to bear them.

My mother always said democracy is the best revenge.

Disease is nature's revenge for our destructiveness.

I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge.

Revenge is sweeter than life itself. So think fools.

If you lie to the compiler, it will get its revenge.

Most victories are, in the best way, acts of revenge.

Revenge is for children and the emotionally retarded.

Revenge leads to an empty fullness, like eating dirt.

Enmity is anger watching the opportunity for revenge.

Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.

A small revenge is more human than no revenge at all.

Wounds heal and become scars, but scars grow with us.

The best revenge is living well, my dad told me once.

Like vichyssoise, revenge is a dish best served cold.

Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.

The Black Panther Party were not revenge nationalists.

If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge.

Drew a mustache on your picture, threw your ring away.

A man who contemplates revenge keeps his wounds green.

Revenge is the raging fire that consumes the arsonist.

I feel that success is the best revenge in this world.

I want revenge, but I don't want to screw up my karma.

Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to gettin' pussy.

The light that stopped the night felt like forgiveness.

There is no such thing as justice - in or out of court.

A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green.

I'm not into revenge anymore, I just let go and let God.

Our country is the world-our countrymen are all mankind.

Revenge is a much more punctual paymaster than gratitude

You don't play for revenge, you play for respect & pride

Revenge is not a noble sentiment, but it is a human one.

Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries, See the Furies arise!

Ambition, idly vain; revenge and malice swell her train.

Mine is a jealous heart, imagines things that never are.

Revenge, we find, the abject pleasure of an abject mind.

I'm not real big on repentence ... I like revenge better.

While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.

Pardons and pleasantnesse are great revenges of slanders.

In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man.

Never ascribe to an opponent motives meaner than your own.

McDonalds in Tokyo is a terrible revenge for Pearl Harbor.

The most complete revenge is not to imitate the aggressor.

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