You are richer for doing things.

More people smile at me now I'm richer.

Films are fun, but life is much richer.

I was richer than Bill Gates for 3 days.

In bad times, the rich usually get richer.

You're never rich enough if you can be richer.

The forms of my awareness are richer than yours.

Every day is deeper and richer and more soulful.

Richer brows give you a sophisticated, feminine look.

For me, comedy is richer and larger than anything else.

Over time, my students have gotten richer and more educated.

Women are not the richer sex. Women are not equal in society.

There's always somebody older, richer, more desperate than you.

Acting has made me a nicer, happier and a slightly richer person, too.

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.

I would say 'Home' is a lot richer and deeper than my earlier classical.

I probably had the most fun recording For Richer For Poorer in Nashville.

The world is richer than ever, and the gaps between rich and poor are wider.

It seems like the richer you are, the more chance you have of paying less tax.

Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun.

It's never been my purpose to become an American icon, or more famous or richer.

I've had offers that could've made me much richer and much more famous than I am.

When you engage your brain, it just keeps getting fatter and richer and wonderful.

When I'm finished with politics, I'll have a richer life. I'd like to go to the theatre.

Living life as normally as possible gives you a richer well of experiences to draw from.

Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.

The truth is, you have a much richer life if you somehow lead one that you can hold together.

Every great work makes the human face more admirable and richer, and that is its whole secret.

I have learned that keeping my personal life outside of work is the easier, richer way to work.

But, on the other hand, if Schubert were alive today, he would find even richer fields to plow.

Ever since I've been saving money and not spending it on jewelry, I've been getting way richer.

The world is all the richer for having a devil in it, so long as we keep our foot upon his neck.

All I know is that Conservatives aren't interested in helping anybody but themselves get richer.

There is always going to be someone more successful, richer, better looking, or with a nicer car.

Who is richer? The man who is seen, but cannot see? Or the man who is not being seen, but can see?

It would be easier to write a novel without reader input, but I feel the fiction is richer for it.

I believe in the vows that I took with my wife. Through sickness, in health, for richer or poorer.

Some very poor countries run great vaccination systems, and some richer ones run terrible programs.

I think that being in an environment is a much richer experience than just working on a soundstage.

Holiday food is rich and indulgent. Going-home-to-see-family food is richer and even more indulgent.

Another is, if you take money out of your left pocket and put it in your right pocket, you're no richer.

When you have people from different parts of the world coming together, it just makes it so much richer.

It seems to me that most people are interested in reading about characters who are richer than they are.

We didn't build Robinhood to make the rich people richer. The mission is to help the everyman, the rest of us.

It is true for my family and many others: Adoption has made us infinitely richer in the ways that matter most.

When we have a good balance between thinking and feeling... our actions and lives are always the richer for it.

Nonverbal communication forms a social language that is in many ways richer and more fundamental than our words.

With 1,000-seater venues, rather than 5,000-seaters, there are richer opportunities for sucking the audience in.

New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become.

Fossils have richer stories to tell - about the lub-dub of dinosaur life - than we have been willing to listen to.

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