I was actually cut out of 'L.A. Story'... and rightfully so.

People are rightfully upset about Wall Street abuses and excess.

I think every content can reach its potential audience if placed rightfully.

Women always feel like they're being stared at and judged, and rightfully so.

It is an absolute and virtually divine perfection to know how to enjoy our being rightfully.

People had lost faith in me in Baltimore, and rightfully so. I knew that was not the guy I was.

It's a great, great experience to finally get the reception that you know you rightfully deserve.

I rightfully respect Killer Mike a hundred percent. He knows my father; he's known my father for years.

With each game's release, I think the expectations get higher and higher for the next, and rightfully so.

Majorities and minorities cannot rightfully be taken at all into account in deciding questions of justice.

Individuals who are out there to make transactions with pay-per-tweets, it's a turnoff for their fans, rightfully so.

You just have to ensure that you make good films because audiences today have become picky and smart, and rightfully so.

I try to support all the women in my life. So absolutely, Aladdin tries to do that as well, and rightfully - rightfully so.

We as men, need to give the Indian women all the strength that she needs, rightfully asking to be able to walk with head held high.

The American public is rightfully asking, 'Hey, all those funds are coming out of my pocket, so I want to know where they're going.'

There was a time when I was injured and playing really bad and cut, rightfully so, that I wasn't sure what my future in football was.

We often learn the hard way that our world is ruled by external factors. We don't always get what is rightfully ours, even if we've earned it.

I was spoiled and I was arrogant. I was very demanding, had an overblown image of who I was and got a reputation for being difficult. And rightfully so.

A person may rightfully be happy if in this life he could do a great favor for widows and orphans, could assist support than, and facilitate fate of people.

Part of how you grapple with intense opposition is by creating real, organic momentum: by actually doing something for people, and then they rightfully buy into it.

As we express our gratitude to veterans for protecting our freedom, it is imperative that we provide them the necessary services and benefits they rightfully deserve.

Many people can rightfully claim, as much as anyone can rightfully claim anything, that much of their lives have been spent stumbling through a cloud of cluelessness.

In the world today many people rightfully feel entitled to have success and the good things in life, but they usually understand it will require sacrifice and hard work.

Foreign aid, though less than 1% of the annual federal budget, is often a hard case to make to constituents who are rightfully worried about domestic and economic issues.

Nathaniel Philbrick's 'In the Heart of the Sea' has rightfully taken its place as a classic for its literary merits. It has a special place in the cannibalism canon as well.

It sets its face rightfully against the doctrines of the Anarchist and the Communist, who seek to solve the social problems not by patient endeavor, but by brutal destruction.

Admittedly great though these reasons be, they are not the principal grounds, that is, those which may rightfully claim for themselves the privilege of the highest admiration.

When I worked on 'The Daily Show,' we had some puppets made of myself, John Oliver, and Jon Stewart. When I left the show, I stole the puppet. I took what was rightfully mine.

I believe all men that are desired by masses of women due to looks, drive, and character are all more than likely to be seeing multiple women (Rightfully so if they are single).

Your real self - the 'I am I' - is master of this land, the ruler of this empire. You rightfully have power and dominion over it, all its inhabitants, and all contained in its realm.

The U.S. military is the best-trained, most effective fighting force the world has ever known. And the conduct of the vast majority of our service members makes Americans rightfully proud.

Black America now has the power to achieve economic inclusion, which we rightfully deserve because we built this country. This is a conversation that white America doesn't really want to have.

President Obama's own administration has publicly admitted that under the current framework, Syrian refugees cannot be vetted in a way that meets the rigorous security standards we rightfully expect.

Justice is the object of government, and those who support the government, must be agreed as to the justice to be executed by it, or they cannot rightfully unite in maintaining the government itself.

I personally really sympathise with the Maori cause - what's gone on historically and their struggle today as a culture, and how they hold on to that identity and stand up for what's rightfully theirs.

Many people in this world are not raised to understand the concept of consent, in all walks of life, and it's important that abusers of consent not be treated as victims when they are rightfully exposed.

Scandinavian crime fiction has become a great success all across the world and rightfully so. Sjowall and Wahloo ushered in a whole generation of Swedish crime writers, many of whom are now available in English.

Seeing Pax get extra-nervous about which shirt he is going to wear when he meets Aung San Suu Kyi, I get very moved. He rightfully doesn't get nervous going to a movie premiere; he gets nervous going to meet her.

Since the events of September 11, we've rightfully changed our military strategy so we're now taking the fight to those individuals who aim to do us harm, rather than waiting for another atrocious attack to happen.

Mr. Speaker, Americans want, need, and rightfully expect Congress to protect them from the prying eyes of identity thieves and give them back control of their Social Security numbers and personal health information.

The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant.

For as long as this nation has known war, we have embraced the heroes it has produced. Americans have rightfully noted the honor and nobility of courage under hostile fire and thanked those who perished in their defense.

Especially in the world today, where science rightfully is so important in terms of technology, innovation, telecom, Internet, fighting diseases, I think it's equally important that poetry and painting have their share of support.

Someone might look like an overnight success, but there's a lot of hard work that goes into it, and rightfully so. That's the way it should be. There are exceptions to that rule, but in country music, people really have to pay their dues.

As the grandson of Italian immigrants, maybe I am biased, but I think Christopher Columbus, the man who is rightfully credited with bringing European civilization to the Western Hemisphere, deserves the national holiday enacted by Congress in 1934.

The woman who rules her roost is one of two things: she's illogical, therefore spoiling her children, or she's an iron-fisted disciplinarian, adopting the attitude that rightfully belongs to the man and losing the precious softness that is her birthright.

There's a lot of chatter in basketball and, rightfully, you want players to be talking to each other... But sometimes in practice, it gets too verbose... so I tried to take things out of the ordinary and make them special so they'd understand the difference.

Women need to find the courage to demand what they rightfully deserve. Women should be paid for the same work as their male counterparts, ask for promotions, and stand in their power in their place of employment, whether they are in a boardroom or in the movement.

There's no question there needs to be higher-paying opportunities for women. It's not that it hasn't existed in certain categories: Certain women have made a lot of money... Jennifer Lawrence... is being paid a lot of money, rightfully so, for the franchises she's in.

I think my parents were surprisingly cool with me entering the arts. Although, I think they thought it was going to be a phase, and they didn't expect me to actually stick with it, and rightfully so. They were concerned whether I could afford groceries, being an actor.

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