We will save our sovereign rights as a nation.

Tolerance and human rights require each other.

Homelessness has become a human rights crisis.

I'm not guided by what Human Rights Watch says.

No cause can justify the abuse of human rights.

Human rights must work to uplift human dignity.

To no human charter am I indebted for my rights.

Every State is known by the rights it maintains.

I enjoy my rights, but I revel in my privileges.

Women should have equal rights to men, every day.

In Spain there were no TV rights for Formula One.

Men should not petition for rights, but take them

Attack another's rights and you destroy your own.

Equal rights for all, special privileges for none

Gay rights and human rights are one and the same.

Principle I: Legal rights are presumptive rights.

The changing climate is a threat to human rights.

The French revolution taught us the rights of man.

A human being has no natural rights of any nature.

The right to life is the first among human rights.

The civil rights movement wasn't easy for anybody.

It takes no compromise to give people their rights

All men have equal rights, but not to equal things.

I will always work for human rights for all people.

Bill of Rights was Madison, I'm going with Madison.

Human rights is the fruit of various civilizations.

Liberty is about our rights to question everything.

The battle for women's rights has been largely won.

Our rights come from nature and God, not government.

You can't help but feel all the human-rights issues.

I believe in the rights of creatures other than man.

Without peace, there is little hope for human rights

What rights are those that dare not resist for them?

Gay rights are human rights, there is no separation.

[Fidel Castro] has a very good [human rights] record.

I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader.

I'm a Christian woman, but I believe in human rights.

If you care about women's rights, you can't not vote.

I don't fight for bragging rights. I've proved myself.

My rights, my wrongs, I write ‘til I’m right with God.

No country is 100 percent free of human rights abuses.

Education is the civil rights issue of our generation.

Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere.

Women have to risk civil disobedience for their rights.

What is equality of rights between a giant and a dwarf?

You know, I hear all these things about women's rights.

I don't need no peace. I need equal rights and justice.

Grant others the same rights as you claim for yourself.

Human rights and rule of law are inseparably connected.

I would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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