Code plus law is combining to reduce rights consumers used to have.

The last stop to protect rights and liberties is the Supreme Court.

There can be no peace without justice and respect for human rights.

In Russia all people enjoy the equal rights, including homosexuals.

Women who don't control their own reproductive rights are not free.

Without amendments we would never even have had the Bill of Rights.

I'm never going to beg for pardon for exercising fundamental rights.

Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.

Don't be so concerned with your rights that you forget your manners.

People cannot give up their cause, their rights, for fear of defeat.

Our rights come from God - not man, not a monarch, not a government.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of the Civil Rights Act.

People should not be able to vote to take away the rights of others.

In the fight for women's rights, the support of men remains crucial.

Women's rights must not be the sacrifice by which peace is achieved.

Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights.

Rights and responsibilities are ... different sides of the same coin.

Rights are considered to have their source not in nature, but in law.

If my father was alive today, he would have fought for Kurdish rights

The word democracy has no meaning. Duty has gone. Only rights remain.

The quest for freedom, dignity, and the rights of man will never end.

Individual rights are the means of subordinating society to moral law.

When I hear someone’s in the civil rights business, I oil up my AR-25.

The mass of the citizens is the safest depositary of their own rights.

Rights that do not flow from duty well performed are not worth having.

To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.

What wastrel mankind destroyed takes time for nature to put to rights.

Where the people possess no authority, their rights obtain no respect.

If an animal has any rights at all, it's got the right not to be eaten.

Men are entitled to equal rights-but to equal rights to unequal things.

The subject of human rights in China confounds absolute pronouncements.

To say, that Capt. Ingraham violated the rights of Turkey, is nonsense.

I'm definitely an animal lover, and I stand up for all animals' rights.

Women have more rights, and women do have their own power in the world.

Inequality of rights and power proceeds from the very Author of nature.

Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man.

Today's human rights violations are the causes of tomorrow's conflicts.

It is fair to judge peoples by the rights they will sacrifice most for.

Human rights are praised more than ever - and violated as much as ever.

Defend yourselves! If people don't defend their rights, they lose them.

We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities.

We are going to fight to pass the long over-due Equal Rights Amendment.

Voting rights matter. They are a major part of who we are as Americans.

Democracy is 51% of the people taking away the rights of the other 49%.

Don't be afraid - if you don't exercise your rights, you will lose them.

For me, jazz will always be the soundtrack of the civil rights movement.

Until civil rights are enjoyed by all of us, we're simply not civilized.

The Equal Rights Amendment would "turn holy wedlock into holy deadlock."

Women didn't have rights. Under British common law, women were property.

I'm pretty political when it comes to human rights and things like that.

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