I'm not a big guy for research. You've got to take a risk.

Before you'll change, something important must be at risk.

Let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out.

Forgiving is love's toughest work, and love's biggest risk.

Love is not something you protect. It’s something you risk.

Good fortune then! To make me blest or cursed'st among men.

Great success always comes at the risk of enormous failure.

Risk is at the heart of jazz. Every note we play is a risk.

If man is not ready to risk his life, where is his dignity?

The true statesman is the one who is willing to take risks.

Deception is a tactic: use it. Do whatever it takes to win.

All of life is the management of risk, not its elimination.

Risk isn't a word in my vocabulary. It's my very existence.

Silence is the safest policy if you are unsure of yourself.

If you wish to succeed, you must brave the risk of failure.

The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is safety.

Hard work is a muscle that you develop, as is taking risks.

Risk is trying to control something you are powerless over.

The Universe will kick you out of your nest so you can fly.

I think we need to think beyond the issue of absolute risk.

Stay firmly in your path and dare; be wild two hours a day!

The greatest opportunities in life come with fear and risk.

If you want the most reward you have to take the most risk.

Deflation and secular stagnation are the risks of our time.

As a boxer, you have to put risk in to get to another level.

You had to take risks, follow some paths and abandon others.

Everyone in my family is a risk taker in his or her own way.

A shower would minimise the risk of contracting the disease.

Playing it safe and taking no risks is a shortcut to poverty

Acting requires risk, and that's what feeling vulnerable is.

There has to be an element of risk-taking for me in my work.

A person with a poor mind set is always afraid to take risk.

The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.

I like entrepreneurial people; I like people who take risks.

I'd rather walk a tightrope than have my feet on the ground.

I love Cate Blanchett: she takes risks, but is still refind.

there is no gain without risk, perhaps no risk without love.

All human kingship risks a denial of the sovereignty of God.

Effective management always means asking the right question.

the biggest risk is to take no risk. or to take crazy risks.

Prophesy is a good line of business, but it is full of risks.

I like crazy people, especially those who don't see the risk.

The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.

We cannot risk living all our lives under emergency measures.

Love puts all logic to sleep. Otherwise, we wouldn't risk it.

Successful investing is about managing risk, not avoiding it.

In order to find the edge, you must risk going over the edge.

We are pioneers and the history of pioneers is not that good.

I'd decided to take the risk, and either I'd succeed or else.

But it's always taking a risk, when you ... kiss someone new.

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