Boats in the harbor are safe but that is not what they are meant for.

Limit risk with: Deep analysis Bargain purchase Sensitivity analysis.

In any survival situation, you need to weigh the risk and the reward.

All growth, including political growth, is the result of risk-taking.

When the risk of failure is too high, the right choice is to forbear.

I'd rather risk an ugly surprise than rely on things I know I can do.

If you're not getting any bad reviews, you're not taking enough risks

Sometimes you have to take a risk if you want great things to happen.

Vulnerability is basically uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.

Most investors say "Don't take risks." The rich investor takes risks.

Are you placing enough interesting, freakish, long shot, weirdo bets?

Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.

Because of athletics, I got real comfortable with risk at a young age.

We know there is no such thing as freedom without the risk of failure.

However much risk we are taking, we can and probably should take more.

If you're afraid to take risks in anything in life, it's just boredom.

Every man has a right to risk his own life for the preservation of it.

I took a learjet to cop some lipstick Yeah Imma risk it I'm optimistic

You cannot build God’s reputation if you aren’t willing to risk yours.

The dilemma is that if one does not risk anything one risks even more.

To hope is to risk frustration. Make up your mind to risk frustration.

I want to try new things and put myself out there and take some risks.

Failure is inevitable. If you aren't taking risks, then you won't fail.

Don't be hard on yourself. And take as many chances, risks, as you can.

Cinema without risk is like having no sex and expecting to have a baby.

Calculated risks of abuse are taken in order to preserve higher values.

The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.

The best roles have risks... and those are the parts I'm interested in.

People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.

Besides we are men, and after all it is our business to risk our lives.

I like taking risks and I decided to put every bit of me into the role.

Risk is to do something that 99 percent of the time would be a failure.

I'm an artist, and I like the risk - I'm not in it for the sure things.

When you see data, doubt [them]! When you see measurements, doubt them!

To marry is the biggest risk in human relations that a person can take.

My basic rule is if the relative risk isn't at least 3 or 4, forget it.

To trap one's self-suffering is to risk being devoured from the inside.

When you say ROI, do you mean return on investment or risk of inaction.

Money is the reward for risks taken, value delivered and promises kept.

Making art is nothing but risk, always. If it's not risk, it's no good.

Take calculated risks. Act boldly and thoughtfully. Be an agile company.

I never go to where's a risk. I'm frightened of dangers down to boredom.

I think that I am willing to risk my life in order to have more freedom.

Strong organizations with strong risk controls will survive and prosper.

First, we did rank everybody by risk, and New York comes out number one.

Never to be frightened of taking risks and always follow your instincts!

Be innovative. Don't listen to the tried and tested wisdom. Take a risk!

What is courage without risk... It wouldn’t really be courage, would it?

It is hard to battle anger, for whatever it wants it pays from the soul.

Think very carefully about what you want in life. Reckon with the risks.

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