Sometimes you've gotta take a risk.

Some of us were born to take risks.

Arrows are cheap; you're expensive.

You can't lead without taking risk.

Sometimes people like to take risks.

All of life is the exercise of risk.

A man sits as many risks as he runs.

I'm not really much of a risk taker.

You take the risk of being rejected.

To walk across the street is a risk.

If you risk nothing you gain nothing

Extra interest signifies extra risk.

Love and life belongs to great risk.

Because the reward is worth the risk.

Love color. Take risks. Stay curious.

Adventure without risk is Disneyland.

You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

I have a right to be blind sometimes.

Risk being seen in all of your glory.

What you risk reveals what you value.

In love, self-love is always at risk.

Without risk, there can be no growth.

There is no achievement without risk.

Haste breeds error; error breeds woe.

You can't run a without taking risks.

Where's the fun without a bit of risk?

To be alive at all involves some risk.

Take the risk of thinking for yourself

Risk is an essential part of progress.

Daring is not safe against daring men.

The only risk of failure is promotion.

There's no reward in life without risk.

The easy way out usually leads back in.

Life without risks is not worth living.

Faith is a record of great risks taken.

The ultimate risk is not taking a risk.

To quit taking risks is a serious risk!

Only the person who risks is truly free

Follow your dreams and take your risks.

Putting us in risk is just plain stupid.

No crime is so great as daring to excel.

Without risk, faith is an impossibility.

I'm a risk-taker. I like to test myself.

Revolutions are not made with rosewater.

The biggest risk in life is not risking.

Being a star requires risk-taking shoes.

The only risk we run is by doing nothing.

Victory is only wrested by running risks.

Don't take risk, and don't get into debt.

No noble thing can be done without risks.

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