Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.

Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.

Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.

Libras like to take risks!

Taking risks gives me energy.

Never stop taking risks. Just keep reaching.

There's no real theatre without taking risks.

Great deeds are usually wrought at great risks.

Life is full of risks anyway; why not take them?

You can't get anywhere in life without taking risks.

I take risks - that's my life on the slopes and off.

That's how you live. You participate. You take risks.

One of the risks of a public trial is a public verdict.

I prefer to be alive, so I'm cautious about taking risks.

I like entrepreneurial people; I like people who take risks.

I take risks because I get bored. And I get bored very easily.

I am not afraid of taking risks. We have to take risks for peace.

Taking risks is the best thing ever, and that's what gets you anywhere.

I just am a huge fan of PBS. They've taken great risks from great shows.

Don't ever try and be like anybody else and don't be afraid to take risks.

Great risks come in long term, tremendously assiduous, very courageous study.

Whoever refuses to remember the inhumanity is prone to new risks of infection.

If no one ever took risks, Michaelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor.

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

But we also believe in taking risks, because that's how you move things along.

'Eagle vs Shark' is a little film I could take risks with and make mistakes on.

You can say a lot of things about me, but you can never say I don't take risks.

Culture's worth huge, huge risks. Without culture we're all totalitarian beasts.

I have taken lot of risks in life, and I believe that life is about taking risks.

You can't be successful in business without taking risks. It's really that simple.

Some people revel in taking risks, and some go through life taking no risks at all.

I've always taken risks, and never worried what the world might really think of me.

We don't grow unless we take risks. Any successful company is riddled with failures.

We don't manage money for anyone else. We bear responsibility only for our own risks.

Don't be afraid to have a reality check. Taking risks is OK, but you must be realistic.

I just do whatever it is that I believe I should do, regardless of the risks to my life.

However well organized the foundations of life may be, life must always be full of risks.

I don't believe in pitfalls. I believe in taking risks and not doing the same thing twice.

In America any boy may become President, and I suppose it's just one of the risks he takes.

That's the Apple I want - I want an Apple that's bold and taking risks and being aggressive.

I like taking risks. I like trying new things, whether it be style or restaurants or whatever.

If you take no risks, you will suffer no defeats. But if you take no risks, you win no victories.

If you want to succeed, you have to take the necessary risks and the occasional leap in the dark.

Only the really young are fearless, have the optimism, the romanticism to take unimaginable risks.

It might be a lot easier to take risks if you're part of a group who will look out for one another.

People who are privileged can take more risks because of that safety shield that privilege provides.

On Earth, men and women are taking the same risks. Why shouldn't we be taking the same risks in space?

There's risk in everything that you do. It's up to you to measure those risks and do what you want to do.

He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a failure in his whole being.

Some people are just more prepared to take risks than others. I grew up a gambler. That's my name: Maverick.

There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.

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