I'm absolutely a Ron Paul fan.

I find some unity with Ron Paul.

One thing about Ron Artest, he's a hooper.

One thing is clear: Ron Paul defies labels.

I want Ron to stand up to Malfoy and punish him.

Ron Simmons had a lot to do with Rock's success.

My first love, in my head, believe it or not, was Ron Howard.

I'm a huge Ron Rivera fan, I played for Ron for three years in Chicago.

At the base of Ron Paul support, in my opinion, are people with brains.

I'm shorter, I don't have as many freckles as Ron, and I can't do magic.

I was a big fan of Ron Howard of course, so it was fantastic to meet him.

If Ron Dellums running for mayor gives you hope, then let's get on with it.

I am not Dr. Ron Paul. I am not Dr. Ron Paul, Jr. I am not Dr. Ron Paul Lite.

Are you ready to have your mind blown? Sometimes Ron Howard uses swear words.

When Ron Howard rings you up and says, 'I'd like you to do my film,' you do it.

I'm an enormous fan of Ron Howard. I mean, he's the most extraordinary director.

My first paying job in Los Angeles was taking tickets at the Bing under Ron Haver.

I would love to do different things, like behind-the-scenes work - just like Ron Howard!

I have been a Ron Paul 'R3VOLutionary' longer than most 'R3VOLutionaries' have been alive!

People recognize me, call me Ron, and ask me questions. It's really cool and weird as well.

My dad was my first influence. He played classical guitar and my uncle Ron played the blues.

Everyone should have a moment with Ron Howard in their life to give you faith in our industry.

Most important for the circadian field was the pioneering work of Ron Konopka in Seymour's lab.

But Tammy Faye calls me, and Ron Jeremy calls me, Erik Estrada sends me a Christmas card every year.

I think coughing up slugs was quite hard. Ron has a scene where he has to cough up these giant slugs.

In 1990 I had a nasty car accident and in 1994 my husband Ron Edgeworth died of motor neurone disease.

Ron Paul is not going to be president, so we don't have to worry about who's going to be in his cabinet.

I got to work with Ron Perlman. I've been a fan of his forever, since he was Vincent on 'Beauty and the Beast.'

CNN wants me to tell the news in a way that seems genuine and authentic. They don't want me to be Ron Burgundy.

I've always been a big fan of what Ron Rivera and Sean McDermott have been able to put together on the defensive side.

I hit a grand slam off Ron Herbel and when his manager Herman Franks came out to get him, he was bringing Herbel's suitcase.

In Oakland, Al Davis was a genius. We had Ron Wolff there, too, and he was a genius. There was no room for me to be a genius.

I remember Ron Atkinson used to play in the sessions at Manchester United when he was the manager. Rated himself as a player.

Think of The Rontourage as the Ron White Channel, where you can see us getting into trouble in all kinds of different places.

It's a dream for me to work with Ron MacLean and Don Cherry as well as my old friend Jeff Marek, who I started my career with.

I was fortunate to spend the Sixties working for one of the greatest football minds this country has ever produced: Ron Greenwood.

Greg Davis, Ron Randleman, David Bailiff, Paul Rhoads, Urban Meyer. I would be remiss if I didn't mention all of them as influences.

Truth be told, except for foreign policy, Ron Paul's voting record and mine are virtually identical and I wear it as a badge of honor.

I was always a big fan of the books and over the years I've become quite attached to Ron and we've meshed into the same person, really.

You can ask every coach from Ron Gardenhire to Dave Clark, anyone who has seen me play, they don't know why they say I'm a bad defender.

'Anchorman' is my favorite movie of all time and Ron Burgundy is one of my favorite characters of all time. It's my 'Gone With the Wind.'

If you really dissect hip-hop you will find a whole lot of Charles Mingus, Ron Carter, Ahmad Jamal, a lot of classic jazz samples in there.

I went to this vocal coach, Ron Anderson, who has worked with Axl Rose and Chris Cornell, to train my voice and learn a whole new way of singing.

I'm incredibly humbled that the leader of the modern liberty movement and strong conservative leader Congressman Ron Paul is backing our campaign.

As a complete score, I love 'Sherlock Holmes' - but we cast it badly. We put Ron Moody into the part - a great Fagin, not a great Sherlock Holmes.

I believe L. Ron Hubbard resolved the human mind, and in resolving it he has also resolved human pain - that's what I really think has happened here.

Ron Mueck's 'Dead Dad' was fantastic. It was an almost exact replica of his dead dad's body, shrunk to be a third of the size, a very powerful sculpture.

Ron Howard is a great filmmaker and also a great storyteller in 60- and 30-minute shows, so why isn't he going to be a great storyteller in 10-minute pieces?

I was reading Omar Khayyam, Kahlil Gibran, Rumi, L. Ron Hubbard, all sorts of philosophy. Bebop cats are like that. Curious. I wanted to know about everything.

It doesn't make any sense to continue to elect people like Ron Kind or Russ Feingold, individuals that literally are dedicated to growing the federal government.

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