I was 22 my rookie year.

I did some good things as a rookie.

I'd like to win Rookie of the Year.

My rookie year, I was very immature.

I didn't start my whole rookie year.

Halas didn't believe in starting rookies.

My rookie year, it was a crazy atmosphere.

Starting should be a goal for every rookie.

I remember my rookie hazing. It wasn't fun.

Personally, I want to win rookie of the year.

As a rookie, they don't really know your name.

My rookie year in New England was mind-blowing.

I can say Rookie of the Year is what I want to do.

A lot of rookies hit the wall after 50 or 60 games.

It's unfortunate to lose guys in their rookie year.

I'm completely gobsmacked by the 'Rookie Blue' fans.

It's hard to win with rookie quarterbacks, as I know.

To be honest, I never compare myself with the rookies.

Anytime I play another rookie, there's that extra edge.

It's an honor to be named Rookie of the Year by the media.

Until you're a rookie, you don't know what NBA game shape is.

The rookie game, those guys are going to be All-Stars one day.

When you're a rookie, sometimes your voice is not really heard.

And my rookie contract, my first rookie contract was for $5,000.

Ultimately I want to win. That's my main focus as my rookie year.

With any rookie quarterback, the more help you can get the better.

I want to do something different in this league, even as a rookie.

It's an honor to win the Sir Henry Cotton Rookie of the Year award.

I feel like a pro now. Before I fought Holmes, I felt like a rookie.

I used to lead off when I was a rookie. I've always been able to bunt.

When I got traded to the Lakers in '97, Kobe Bryant was just a rookie.

The better quarterbacks are real consistent. Rookie quarterbacks are not.

I started rockin' the BowTie when I was a rookie with the New York Giants.

If somebody was to ask me who is the best rookie, I would tell them I was.

I kind of think the rookie wall is all in your mind, to be completely honest.

I can't imagine as a rookie actually playing good football. I went through it.

I think any player, as a rookie coming into any sport, has to prove themselves.

A rookie coach must be supported by a very strong structure and not get burned.

I actually became a Christian in my rookie year on tour when I was 16 years old.

Any rookie is going to go through a transition process that's going to be tough.

Winning the Super Bowl would be way more special than the rookie rushing record.

I think because I am a proven rookie that it is going to help me in the long run.

Even if I'll be an All Star or Rookie of The Year, I will always be humble Giannis.

Going into my rookie year I expect to play well and I expect to win a lot of games.

I've been wearing Zegna for a while. It started a long, long time ago, my rookie year.

I have every goal you could possibly dream of - Rookie of the Year, NBA champion, MVP.

Baron Corbin lived in my house for months when he played for the Colts our rookie year.

I think my rookie, I was just having fun. I was 18, and I was living the American dream.

Every rookie, every player, is going to go through their struggles throughout the season.

Playing a rookie at quarterback tells the other players that you're giving up the season.

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