Authenticity is the best route

Play is your route to mastery.

Always take the most unexpected route

Every once in a while, take the scenic route.

Creativity works on a winding, circuitous route.

Happiness ... leads none of us by the same route.

The shortest route to courage is absolute ignorance.

Dance is the fastest, most direct route to the truth.

There's never an easy route to the things that matter.

Friends are an intersection. A route back to the world.

Bad news travels fast. Good news takes the scenic route.

Manufacturing is the most important...route to prosperity.

This new global economy, it's all based on the sea routes.

But wherever there is man, there must be some sort of route

Each man must have his own special route to lead him to God.

My eyes, my brain seek out escape routes wherever I am sent.

The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.

If you have the freedom to fly, why not take the scenic route!

Drugs may lead to nowhere, but at least it's the scenic route.

There is no one road to success, you must find your own route.

The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.

The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it.

Jaelen Strong's big. He runs really good routes. He's got great hands.

Searching and the route we take are more important than making a find.

A system devolving power to the regions is the route to a viable Iraq.

You know, sometimes the most direct route isn't the right one. - Jacob

I don't know about the romantic comedy route, although never say never.

When you do consolidation, you get rid of flying and you get rid of routes.

Incrementalism ceases to be a good strategy when there's a cliff on the route.

The easy road is always under construction,so have an alternate route planned.

I worked also, doing things such as our paper route and, later on, waitressing.

The Americans view the democratization of the Middle East as the route to peace.

I took the route favoured by all worldly failures and became a spiritual success.

I took a route of acting, rather than starmaking, so it cost me a lot financially.

I run five miles three times a week; I log everything. I look up routes when I travel.

I took the hardest possible route that you could take, and I still overcame and succeeded.

There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language

My job in many ways has been to navigate interesting routes around subjects people think are dull.

If we take the route of the permanent handout, the American character will itself be impoverished.

Hip-hop has taken a lot of different routes throughout the years, man. I've been around since 1986.

You can't just limit yourself to underneath routes and let the defense kind of sit on those things.

A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how we get there.

My feeling, based on my own experience, is that aiming for grandiosity is the fastest route to failure.

I feel I could come out of the routes better, but because of the hips, I don't come out as well as I can.

Whatever I see, I trust my eyes, trust my reads, trust the guys running routes and kind of just let it go.

Pops played football for LSU. Ever since I can remember, I've been working with him running routes and stuff.

I'm obsessed with pilgrimages. I love following old routes, imagining the consciousness of those who walked them.

Virginius Pass, go across the Talus slope and pick up the route through the notch, it is steep, slippery, brutal.

Decide very early on: do you want to be an actor or do you want to be famous? Because they're very different routes.

A rich, robust, well-resourced public education is one of the best routes out of poverty and a pathway to prosperity.

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