I don't watch rugby.

Rugby takes its toll.

I have more critics than Hitler.

A game of rugby is a work of art!

Rugby's all I've ever wanted to do.

I still get a great buzz from rugby.

I think rugby is 80 per cent mental.

We're going to tear those boys apart.

It's basically the same, just darker.

There's ego in all of us rugby players.

I never had a concussion playing rugby.

The French are predictably unpredictable.

Me and Tricky like playing with each other.

I get too excited about football and rugby.

Beer and Rugby are more or less synonymous.

International rugby is an unforgiving arena.

We can change South Africa on the rugby field

After giving up rugby, I wanted to keep busy.

I didn't know what was going through my mind.

I tried to play rugby but was never very good.

Rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen.

Those props are as cunning as a bag o' weasels.

He's like a demented ferret up a wee drainpipe.

Your hands can't catch what your eyes can't see.

Rugby and wrestling are sports for real athletes.

I was a football fan before I became a rugby fan.

Rugby is a nonsense, but a very serious nonsense.

I don’t believe in magic. I believe in hard work.

I had dreams of being a professional rugby player.

Who else but an Englishman could invent an oval ball.

I am a rugby player and first and foremost I am a man.

I've been flogging myself to keep my fitness up there.

I knew he would never play for Wales ... he's tone deaf.

I have just fallen back in love with rugby league again.

I was a good reader of a rugby match. I could kick, too.

Crusaders shouldn't have been allowed in from the start.

I'd like to thank the press from the heart of my bottom.

If there is no blood on the line, it is not rugby league.

It's a really exciting time to be involved in Welsh rugby.

South African rugby doesn't have to stand back for anyone.

I love baseball. And American Football, too. But not rugby.

Andy Ellis - the 21 year old, who turned 22 a few weeks ago.

I love Australia, and I especially love those rugby players.

One moment of magic, or one big moment to capture the match.

I know part of me is going to die when I stop playing rugby.

If you can't give 100% to rugby then you can't do it justice.

I come from a sports family and my husband is a rugby player.

You don't like to see hookers going down on players like that.

I retired from rugby because I was old and getting really slow.

I thought I would have a quiet pint ... and about 17 noisy ones.

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