I'm very professional.

Leeds is quite laid-back.

I don't feel hunky at all.

I love making people laugh.

I never went to drama school.

I was a short, chubby kid, pretty shy.

I'm very much open to the possibilities.

My parents are proud of me being an actor.

I get too excited about football and rugby.

It's always been my dream to be in a war film.

Twitter is the limit of me putting myself out there.

You don't get time to rehearse in film and TV at all.

You know, girls in general are scarier than Voldemort.

I'm not a big fan of people knowing too much about me.

As long as I'm acting and doing what I love, I'll be happy.

I wasn't attractive when I was growing up, and I don't think I am now.

I've acted since I was 5 years old, so that's still something I want to do.

I get recognized now and again, but the paparazzi aren't following me around.

I've always been partial to comedy. I love the idea of working on a comedic scene.

A lot of people struggle in their younger years, and I think people can relate to that.

I think actors tend to be in their element when they are pushed out of their comfort zone.

I think as an actor you're always learning, you're always trying to experience more things.

The great thing as an actor is that I don't know what my agent is going to call me with next.

As an actor, you always want to feel like what you're doing is making a difference to the story.

I wasn't bullied or anything at school, but I was quite shy and didn't speak up too much in class.

As an actor you really want to push yourself, and there's no better way than to do an intense drama.

If someone wants to employ me, whoever wants to employ me, I'll go and do that. I just want to work.

I was offered 'Strictly Come Dancing.' I turned it down because that celebrity world is not what I'm into.

I'm very self-conscious as an actor, with performances and things, and I don't like watching my own stuff.

Rupert Grint is exactly like his character Ron, in that they are both incredibly funny, friendly, and loyal.

The fame stuff, the kind words from websites and things, are very flattering and lovely, but I just wanna act.

Alan Rickman told me to do a play, so I did. Because when Alan Rickman tells you do something, you go and do it.

I mean, I must confess I don't own Harry Potter DVDs. My parents do. They have them all. And they like watching them.

With 'Verdict' I was away for six months, touring, with a week in each town. I did not really enjoy that aspect of it.

There was never any point at which I was considering leaving Harry Potter. If I were to stop acting, it would have been after.

What I've found is that stage is very much a foundation of acting. It's where it all began and you're working with that repetition.

Having done television, I was used to either being aware whether I got the part within the same day, or within two, three days max.

Alan Rickman, who was mentored me a lot. He was very keen to offer his opinions on stuff. Not in a pretentious way. Not in a patronizing way.

One of the crucial things to the story of 'Harry Potter's' success is just how well everyone got on. There were never any problems with anybody.

I get recognized now and again, but the paparazzi aren't following me around. I get to go to the shop and buy bread and milk, and no one worries me.

Theater was such a different school of acting. But it really is a foundation of everything. It's where it all started! And I feel like I learned so much.

You can stay true to yourself and your friends, you can do the right thing, you can do with your life whatever you want to. I think that's a lovely message.

When you're a young man, a young boy, all you want to be is that action hero; you want to be the James Bond, and I got to do that for a bit, and that was great.

The great thing about filming a film is that you all have your final day's shooting, but you always know that you're all going to be coming back for the premiere.

Approaching a comedy character is fun because you get to sit down with the director and ask, "What makes you laugh?" Then you end up bouncing ideas off each other.

I think a lot of people can relate to that school is pretty lousy for a lot of people, and it just shows that you don't have to be perfect and you can still be a hero.

The thing that inspires me about Daniel Radcliffe and the thing that I admire the most about him is that he's had a level of fame thrust upon him that's relatively unheard of.

I'm very comfortable being at home and keeping my head down, really. It's nice being invited to night clubs and stuff, which is nice once in a while, but I prefer to kind of keep to myself.

There's not many people on the face of the earth that don't know Harry Potter is Daniel Radcliffe. He's had that since he was eleven years old, yet he hasn't changed since the day I met him.

You have to prepare for the unexpected. You have to be able to react to things that don't necessarily happen every night, or aren't supposed to happen every night. And you have to react to it in character.

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