Australia is not a safe place.

Students deserve a safe place to learn and grow.

Israel can never feel that it is in a safe place.

Every child should have a safe place in their life.

Everybody needs a safe place, and it should be their home.

The football field, I'd definitely say that's my safe place.

I'm the type person, my safe place to be emotional is the booth.

Home was never a safe place for me. I felt safer on the streets.

Dubai is a safe place, and I never came across anything to worry about.

Everyone needs a safe place in life, and pastors can be people's safe place.

I believe in building a peaceful world that is also a safe place for animals.

Family - it's all about family. Families feeling safe and finding your safe place.

I had a sort of rocky upbringing, and I think the theater was a safe place for me.

The thing I love about Myspace is it's a safe place where I can talk to fans every day.

I wonder if novels work for women because they give us a safe place to talk about our ish.

I firmly believe that everybody in America needs a safe place to walk or to wheelchair roll.

We want to make Pakistan a safe place for every Pakistani regardless of his faith or ethnicity.

We need to kind of refresh our fear in order to refresh our understanding of how a safe place works.

For a long time a lot of people thought New Orleans wasn't a safe place and that it was very ratchet.

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

'Arab Labor' was light, snappy. We got emotional over things, but from a safe place, from the terrace.

People don't talk about religion a lot in Hollywood because it's not an incredibly safe place to do it.

I love Denmark. But it is a very safe place, and it is easy to let the state look after everything for you.

No one is depressed when they're asleep, which is why being in bed is such a safe place if you're really down.

I love to play; a stage is a safe place for me to be. It's not that way for most folks, but I'd be lost without it.

Acting probably saved my life. It gave me a home and a safe place to let out all of my emotions and have it be okay.

Your crew becomes your family and you trust the director and the other actors on the set, and it's a very safe place.

It's weird. You find a safe place in someone who you feel like maybe they can't judge you because they don't know you.

Israel was founded as a refuge for the Jewish people, but today it isn't a safe place. It is safer to be Jew in New York.

I love going to cities around the world and seeing the rainbow flag, knowing that it's a safe place where I can be myself.

I was always the observer, trying to understand what was going on. I was always the new kid. Writing became my safe place.

I have been in the most dangerous of places just in order to survive. An intelligent man would stay in a safe place to survive.

I write with my left hand even though I'm right-handed, I walk backwards in a very safe place - anything that engages your brain.

I would be heartbroken if I ever thought that people in the Jewish community thought that Britain was no longer a safe place for them.

A lot of people from my generation of music are so focused on playing things correctly or to perfection that they're stuck in that safe place.

We will continue to invest in our people and technology to help provide a safe place for civic discourse and meaningful connections on Facebook.

New York is actually a pretty safe place, and I think invoking the Bronx as a metaphor for the nightmarish urban environment is no longer spot on.

I found for me that my safe place was work. I could control my environment. I became very fastidious and detailed, and wanted things a certain way.

If you're going to be that kind of actor and go way out there, it's really important to take care of yourself and have a safe place, whatever that is.

Music, in Mexico, just wasn't working out. So, I fell into acting and I just fell in love with it. It was amazing! It was a great safe place to just vent.

I keep myself safe both physically and emotionally in my working environment by 'being one of the boys.' In my head, subconsciously, that was my safe place.

I think a film set is a quite controlled environment and you feel like you can trust them and it is going to be a safe place to work, but I really don't think about it.

We should just know that we can all create this special, safe place within ourselves that we can feel comfortable in and that doesn't necessarily have to be with other people.

Through film, I realized that was a safe place for me to play. It was a safe place for me to express myself and explore these things that I was afraid to explore in my real life.

The wire is a safe place for me to be. The street is not. Life is not. It's a rigorous and simple path. It's straight. You don't have meanders like, you know, on the ground, in life.

I don't think there's going to be a day when I don't think about food or my body, but I'm living with it, and I wish I could tell young girls to find their safe place and stay with it.

We all raise awareness and talk about making India a safe place for women, but at some point in time, I just feel that it is not creating a big impact. There needs to be some solution.

It's nice to have a safe place to have a conversation going; whether it's a friend or family member, you can use 'Queer Eye' as an entry point to have a conversation that's meaningful.

I see the kids and I feel like taking them all away to a safe place to hide until the war stops and the hunger stops and El Cua becomes strong enough to give them the care they deserve.

Singapore has been incredibly well-managed. It was created out of the swamp, with a strong emotional idea: a safe place for mostly Chinese, but accepting other cultures and other races.

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