Sameness is the mother of disgust, variety the cure.

You don't get new products and services out of sameness.

We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others.

Historically, there's been a degree of sameness to animated films.

Sameness leaves us in peace but it is contradiction that makes us productive.

There's a sameness and comfort level you get living in a country like America.

There's a kind of numbness, a sameness, a lack of motivation in 'good job' culture.

In other words, I would be giving in to a myth of sameness which I think can destroy us.

It's not good to make sentimental journeys. You see the differences instead of the sameness.

I'd never just want to do what everybody else did. I'd be contributing to the sameness of everything.

I'd never just want to do what everybody else did. I'd be contributing to the sameness of everything.

You can't state difference and also state equality. We have to state sameness to understand equality.

What is it about sameness that so draws me, and how could I begin to have that same kind of attraction to change?

One of my greatest fears is not being able to change, to be caught in a never-ending cycle of sameness. Growth is so important.

It turns out that globalisation, while promising sameness through brand-name consumption, was fostering, through uneven economic growth, an intense feeling of difference.

Oddly, the military world is one of great sameness. There is an orderly quality to life on an army base, and even the children of the military are brought up with that sense of order and sameness.

I love the nooks and crannies of the American landscape; the back roads and back alleys, the places that are still untouched by the corporate gloss, the veneer of sameness that seems to be spreading across the country.

The three of us being brought up, even though we didn't know each other in our early lives, on the same type of music, same type of environment, there's a lot of sameness there. It's three peas in a pod, if they'll fit.

There is something about the sameness people like. And what I've tried to do with all the zombie films is purposely make them different. That may be part of why it takes so long for people to see what it's intended to be.

There's something special about racing in real streets. The 'artificial' circuits have a certain sameness to them. But every race conducted on real streets has a character of its own - Barcelona, Monaco, and now Long Beach.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to publish - or read - books that have a wide potential audience. But it does generate a certain plodding sameness of tone and subject matter that plagues a lot of contemporary American fiction.

Music was everything. Now it is just not as important as it used to be. When I was growing up, where everyone was trying to outdo each other by being more outrageous and sounding more different, now there is a homogeneous sameness to it all.

My parents were going through a divorce, and I used to go spend all weekend at the movies to get away from it all. There was something about the sameness of the movies. It was a place for me to go to express my emotions, you know, and let it out.

One of the things that's, I think, hard in television is that there's a certain sameness to a lot of television because you're working in a very constricted box, and the box is defined by the amount of money you have to spend and the amount of time you have to get ready.

Elton John can be a master of the sleight of hand. The arrangements make it seem like there are substantial melodies underneath the tracks - but almost nothing demands repeated listenings. Similarly, he always sounds like he's singing up a storm, but his voice glosses over the material, reducing most things to an uninteresting sameness.

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