I love zoo sanctuaries.

Home is your sanctuary.

School was my sanctuary.

My family is my sanctuary.

Silence is the sanctuary of prudence.

I take sanctuary in an honest mediocrity.

There is no sanctuary of virtue like home.

There is no sanctuary of virtue like a home.

Snooker is my sanctuary and always has been.

Where's the CNN town hall for sanctuary cities?

Sanctuaries are magical places - dare I say holy?

Sanctuary is for lovers, not fighters, this season.

I am really not clear in my mind what a sanctuary city is.

My mind is the only sanctuary that has not been stolen from me.

Do not let your ambitions become a sanctuary for your failures.

I am sacred when you love me. I am your sanctuary, you are mine.

I think that banning sanctuary cities should be upheld in court.

Sanctuary city policies disrespect the rule of law in this country.

God tells us to make a sanctuary of our thoughts in which He can dwell.

Don’t sanctuaries become prisons, and vice versa, foremost in the mind?

Jon Tester had a chance to stop sanctuary cities, but he voted with them.

Donald Trump is right - we must secure the border and end sanctuary cities.

Old age is, so to speak, the sanctuary of ills: they all take refuge in it.

Your home is your sanctuary. You need to make it a place you love to be in.

Sanctuary, home of the Howlers and stragglers of the Were universe. (Damien)

Worshipers never leave church...we carry our sanctuary with us wherever we go.

Football is my sanctuary. It's where I go to escape. It's where I'm most happy.

Art offers sanctuary to everyone willing to open their Hearts as well as their Eyes.

To say that I loved school would be an understatement. It was my oasis, my sanctuary.

Federal funding for cities who consider themselves sanctuary cities should be reduced.

When you're an actress you've got to keep your body as your sanctuary and your muscles.

Finding a sanctuary, a place apart from time, is not so different from finding a faith.

I am my own sanctuary and I can be reborn as many times as I choose throughout my life.

I stand with President Trump in the fight to make sanctuary cities pay for the border wall.

To find love I must enter into the sanctuary where it is hidden, which is the mystery of God.

the Sanctuary was reserved for the rich and elite--those with fortunes, not soldiers of fortune.

If we had an immigration policy, sanctuary cities would not be the symptom that manifests itself.

I will not support a federal budget that cuts funds for sanctuary cities, states, or universities.

We need to fix Washington, D.C. and states need to fix their sanctuary policies. That's the problem.

Portland calls itself a 'sanctuary city,' but it's nothing of the sort for a law-abiding journalist.

Afghanistan can't police its borders, and its neighbors give sanctuary and assistance to insurgents.

What would killing the Elders result in?" "Panic? Fear? Three empty parking spaces in the Sanctuary?

In business be as able as you can, but do not be cunning; cunning is the dark sanctuary of incapacity.

I think for me, home needs to be a sanctuary. I need to feel like I've escaped the day when I get home.

Sanctuary cities are a lot like hitchhiking. And the abstract, it feels really good until you feel dead.

The weight room has always been a place for me where I could go to be relaxed. It's my sanctuary of sorts.

You can go ahead and break a law, and you can come to a sanctuary city, and they wouldn't enforce the laws.

May we have communion with God in the secret of our hearts, and find Him to be to us as a little sanctuary.

I am working with Donald Trump to deport dangerous illegal aliens, build the wall, and end sanctuary cities.

As long as there is a Southern Ocean whale sanctuary, Sea Shepherd crew will continue to patrol and defend it.

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