Saturday is an illusion.

I enjoy Saturday night racing.

My goal is a tech-free Saturday.

Sunday comes after Saturday? Weird.

I love a Chinese on a Saturday night.

I'd like to do 'Saturday Night Live.'

Satire is what closes on Saturday night.

I grew up watching 'Saturday Night Live.'

I go to sleep before 10 on a Saturday night.

Live every day as if it were Saturday night.

'Saturday Night Live' was the joy of my life.

It's hard to nap on Saturday or the weekends.

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody.

Every man has a right to a Saturday night bath.

I was pretty obsessed with 'Saturday Night Live.'

I didn't find Saturday night television difficult.

Who are taking to the witch burning Saturday night?

Saturday Night Live' was like a university for funny.

'Saturday Night Live' was like a university for funny.

We were big Saturday Night Live and Eddie Murphy fans.

The '80s were all about 'Saturday Night's Main Event.'

Strictly' is Saturday night fun. The pay's not amazing.

When I was on 'Saturday Night Live,' all I did was work.

I wanted to be on 'Saturday Night Live' since I was ten.

It is illogical to play Wednesday, Saturday, and Tuesday.

I try to get massages on Saturday. That's my only day off.

I wish I got a lie-in on Saturday mornings but I never do.

I had a Saturday job in Barratts shoe shop at the age of 15.

If you are a writer, Saturday and Sunday don't mean anything.

I went to New York in '87 to write for 'Saturday Night Live.'

Every Saturday I read sentences in SPIEGEL that lack clarity.

I play American football every Saturday, which I find calming.

You can go on 'Saturday Night Live' now and not even play live.

Life is a wretched gray Saturday, but it has to be lived through.

I love 'Saturday Live' with Fi Glover. I find that very relaxing.

Football is a religion and Saturday is the holy day of obligation.

Yes, ever since antiquity, the day after Friday has been Saturday.

My work is like my vacation, so in a way every day is like Saturday.

With Saturday morning cartoons, you've got to start at 6 A.M., right?

Saturday morning, you knew what was cool by what was on 'Soul Train.'

The entire behind the scenes of Saturday Night Live are all Canadian.

On Saturday morning, I like to get up early and go out - TV is banned!

'Saturday Night Live' is live television. Nothing can compare to that.

I've only got a Saturday job so my weekdays are generally pretty free.

Saturday night is when my hair would be fixed up and that was my memory.

I met Adam Sandler through 'Saturday Night Live,' and we became friends.

If you see me on Friday, you'll see different material on Saturday night.

I think people would want to see Tracy Morgan host 'Saturday Night Live.'

Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.

I want to be a footballer - and that means playing on a Saturday afternoon.

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