I was a Girl Scout!

I am an aging Girl Scout.

I like being a Girl Scout.

I love to scout locations.

I was a Brownie Scout mother.

I think I could take a job as an NFL scout.

You look like a talent scout for a cemetery.

A Scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances.

I always wanted to be a boy scout but was too poor. Couldn't do it.

All the guys called the Olympic Village a high-class Boy Scout camp.

I was a model scout. I was never a model, but they just dropped the scout.

I'm always going to talent scout and try to find new artists to work with.

Among my friends, I'm not a little Boy Scout, and they love my humor, thank God.

I consider myself an official scout for not just WWE, but the Reality of Wrestling.

I'd like to be a scout, go watch the games, and try and find a diamond in the rough.

Unfortunately, I'm not a person that's always capable of living up to the Boy Scout philosophy.

A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.

Scout has been on 95 flights before she was 1 years old. I remember in the beginning I felt guilty.

Giving jazz the Congressional seal of approval is a little like making Huck Finn an honorary Boy Scout.

We tend to intensely scout an area and then use our imaginations to make the best use of the geography.

My father was a very good Boy Scout. He was very skilled with knots, and he showed me how to tie a bow tie.

I... scout, I'm in all the film sessions, I'm in all the coaches meetings, I travel... I'm in on everything.

About guns, about hunting, it's safe to say I know nothing. The last gun I fired was a musket at Boy Scout camp.

I think I bring a good perspective because I did a lot of things in the NFL - player, head coach, assistant and scout.

I like to watch 'America's Got Talent' every Tuesday just to scout out the competition so I can see what I'm up against.

You can scout people as much as you want. At the end of the day, it's a fight, so you got to be ready for almost anything.

Aspen Ladd is quite the enigma. She looks and acts like a Girl Scout out of the cage, but in there she is an absolute beast.

I was scouted at a Cure concert. A model scout approached me there and asked me if I modeled, and I thought that was ludicrous.

Since I make my living as a literary journalist, not a book scout, I spend inordinate amounts of time either reading or writing.

When I was 20 years old, my uncle was an arthouse distributor, and he would take me to Cannes every year to work as a film scout.

I used to mow grass and sell Christmas cards and shovel snow in order to raise the $25 to go to Boy Scout Camp in Osceola every year.

When I started on scout team, I wanted to be scout player of the week. So when I got that, it was, 'All right, what's the next goal?'

With a growing number of one-parent families in the country, the Girl Scout troop can be an indispensable and powerful positive factor.

To put yourself in another's place requires real imagination, but by doing so each Girl Scout will be able to love among others happily.

My father also encouraged my love of nature. He urged me to become a Cub Scout, and later a Boy Scout, and I found I really liked being outdoors.

When a scout recommends a brilliant right back or a coach recommends one from our academy, we want the manager to weigh up what is right for the team.

I am an Eagle Scout. I am very proud of that. When I was in college I worked summers in a Boy Scout summer camp. I was a nature conservation director.

Whoever's in the game has got to be ready to play, take the scout serious and understand what we're doing. If you don't know what to do, ask questions.

I did a filmstrip on pollution in the Davison area as my Eagle Scout project and showed it around town. Businesses who were the polluters were mad at me.

My brother Jim and I spent many wonderful summers working on dairy farms in Wisconsin owned by Mom's cousins, and as members of our local Boy Scout troop.

The process of my transformation came to a head with my discovery of St. Francis of Assisi during a pilgrimage I went on with a scout troop from my school.

One of the finest statesmen of the present time is also a first-class scout, and that is Mr. Roosevelt, the late President of the United States of America.

My Girl Scout leader. She told me if I listened more and talked less, I could grow up to be a good writer. I thought that was interesting advice at age 12.

One of the first duties of a Scout is obedience to authority. He must obey his orders in the first place and put his own amusement or desires in the second.

I was sort of like a scout for Eric Bischoff if I saw people who had the talent. Sometimes I wouldn't bring people to him until they had the gimmick, like Raven.

They would come down in Mississippi, they hired me as a talent scout. And I would go all over Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and find out different artists for them.

I was never a Boy Scout, but oh, I wanted to be one when I was a kid about ten or eleven years old. But there wasn't anyplace where I could ever join the Boy Scouts.

I was an apprentice at the San Francisco Ballet, and a casting director came to one of our rehearsals to scout talent for 'Center Stage.' I landed the role of Jodie.

I've practically grown up with FC Bayern Munich since the age of 11. In my case, a talent scout noticed me when I was playing for a local youth team at Gern in Munich.

I think if I produced a show I would not want to be part of that production. That's not... I'm not... I mean, I couldn't even sell Boy Scout chocolate bars when I was a kid!

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