A plausible rumor / Seems a lot more believable / Than the truth itself.

If I talk about what I'm good at, I seem like I'm a conceited egomaniac.

The more comprehensible the universe becomes the more pointless it seems.

...a metaphor that works in one society may seem preposterous in another.

Rock n' roll seems like it's faded away sometimes, but it will never die.

Music seems to be the bridge over the gulf between form and the formless.

To the timid and hesitating everything is impossible because it seems so.

It seems I make a lot of mistakes and it seems that I am not allowed any.

The life that counts blessings discovers its yielding more than it seems.

It always seems like coming to my second home whenever I come to Lucknow.

It is the sin which we have not committed which seems the most monstrous.

Reality has come to seem more and more like what we are shown by cameras.

It seems to me that the time for subtlety in our American life has passed.

As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way.

Using music to promote hate seems to be the bastardisation of music to me.

Service to others seems the only intelligent choice for the use of wealth.

Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now.

More and more, so it seems to me, light is the beautifier of the building.

I love to write, so it rarely seems like work - even when it gets arduous.

People in New York just seem a lot more open than I thought they would be.

Popular culture is simply a reflection of what the majority seems to want.

Now it's clear to me/ that everything you see/ ain't always what it seems.

A large section of the intelligentsia seems wholly devoid of intelligence.

When you've been through that, a fight just doesn't seem that cataclysmic.

Legend adheres to artists whose deaths seem the corollaries of their works.

I believed I was a salamander, and it seems I am nothing but an impediment.

It's easy to break things. Much, much easier, it seems, than building them.

I want to keep - this seems so corny - I want to keep growing as an artist.

Nothing in nature is as simple as it sometimes seems when reduced to words.

Me against enemies, me against friends. Somehow theyboth seem to become one

When you get older, keeping the private stuff private seems less important.

It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence.

Liberalism seems to be related to the distance people are from the problem.

It seems a bit weird to call someone your girlfriend when you have a child.

An obsession with control generally seems to reflect a fear of uncertainty.

I'm what I seem; not any dyer gave, But nature dyed this colour that I have.

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.

A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower.

What we are reluctant to touch often seems the very fabric of our salvation.

Milkmen seem so wholesome, and there's no way anybody can be that wholesome.

If I like something, it seems a pretty good bet that other people will, too.

I don't know what happens to me on stage. Something else seems to take over.

To me, it seems a dreadful indignity to have a soul controlled by geography.

It seems to me that very sad things always contain an element of the comical

The circumstances of others seem good to us, while ours seem good to others.

The chile, it seems to me, is one of the few foods that has its own goddess.

Poems seem to have a life of their own. They tell you when enough is enough.

The Italians seem to have a better attitude with kids and the food is great!

The good ole days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems.

Beauty is not, as fond men misdeem, an outward show of things that only seem.

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