I have been extremely cautious in selecting my films.

My approach to selecting a film is very simple - it should touch my heart.

Selecting the right person for the right job is the largest part of coaching.

Be smart about selecting your micro niches for communicating in the blogosphere.

If I were a young coach today, I would be extremely careful in selecting assistants.

Selecting a strong team without giving the new captain appropriate time isn't possible.

We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders.

The approach I take in selecting a script is based on what I fancy from the the scripts I'm offered.

I go by my instinct in selecting scripts for my banner. Some times it works and some times it does not.

We think the most important criteria for selecting an investment firm are the manager, team, and track record.

A man is a method, a progressive arrangement; a selecting principle, gathering his like to him; wherever he goes.

I want to sustain the good name that I earned acting in 'Azhagiya Theeyae.' I am selecting my roles very carefully.

The first and foremost criterion for me when selecting a film is the character I am playing, and then the director.

We should stop selecting leaders from a subset of Oxbridge egomaniacs with a humanities degree and a spell as spin doctor.

The process of selecting the tone on the guitar is an aesthetic process like any other, so you try a lot of different things.

I have played in so many games and have had so many incredible moments that selecting one or remembering all of them is impossible.

I doubt the people of North Carolina will be content to allow the governor to decide or even unduly influence selecting their senator.

Grief falls upon human beings as the rain, not selecting good or evil, visiting the innocent, condemning those who have done no wrong.

My only criteria while selecting roles is that it should be a lead part in an interesting story where the character has depth and layers.

For millennials especially, mobility has become a key factor in selecting a potential career path and in choosing an appropriate employer.

If the party of Lincoln wishes to become the party of intolerance, selecting Trump to be its presidential candidate is a good way forward.

I don't want to spoil the good name 'Mayaanadhi' has brought me. I am careful about selecting my next project and it's actually quite scary.

Barbara did the selecting and that's probably the most brilliant thing was she put together a group of women, different backgrounds, different experiences.

For me, the driving emotion of selecting a film is that I just love that story. It may give a message, it may not give a message - that's fine. I just loved it.

Growing up I loved this brand, and if someone would have told seven year old me that I would be selecting color combos with the originator of Gecko I would have cried.

If architecture had nothing to do with art, it would be astonishingly easy to build houses, but the architect's task - his most difficult task - is always that of selecting.

When selecting businesses, I first have to be enticed by the product or the industry they are in. Then I look for passion. If a company has these two qualifiers, I go for it.

Selecting Budapest would not only be a new city and country for the Olympic Games, but put the region on the map. We want to organise the first Central Eastern Europe Olympics.

One must be aesthetically long-termist in selecting a man - it's like purchasing a farmhouse in the south of France. Sure, it's beautiful to look at, but will the roof stay on?

Shortly after assuming his duties at the White House, Trump hit a home-run by selecting conservative Neil Gorsuch to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

While it was refreshing to finally see an openly gay man speak at a Republican convention, it doesn't remove the stain of selecting Mike Pence, America's most anti-LGBT governor.

The process of facing and selecting our possessions can be quite painful. It forces us to confront our imperfections and inadequacies and the foolish choices we made in the past.

I would be remiss if I didn't praise Hillary for her excellent judgment in selecting my friend and fellow Virginian, Tim Kaine, to be the next Vice President of the United States!

The man of science, like the man of letters, is too apt to view mankind only in the abstract, selecting in his consideration only a single side of our complex and many-sided being.

Voter suppression laws, overzealous filibuster use, you name it - the Republicans use every tactic they can to stop our democracy from actually selecting the person with the most support.

Economically Targeted Investing, or ETI, refers to the practice of selecting investments, in part, for their collateral benefits in addition to the investment return for the retirement plan.

To have strongly integrated managers who have a deep understanding of technology is a rare and difficult combination to build. You have to invest a lot in selecting and training these people.

Most high courts in other nations do not have discretion, such as we enjoy, in selecting the cases that the high court reviews. Our court is virtually alone in the amount of discretion it has.

I started going training with Southampton, and they were selecting the team for the under-9s. I did a six-week trial and got in. I was quite lucky to play at a good standard from a very young age.

In the past, a great library was the result of librarians functioning as guardians of culture, tending and caring, selecting and recommending works that maintained and nurtured a cultural heritage.

The lack of judicial accountability exemplified by the lack of a system of selecting judges and of dealing with complaints against them, has indeed led to the system gradually losing its integrity.

Whenever you name a team and whenever you pick a squad, that is when you have to make the most difficult calls. To tell a player, 'I'm not selecting you, and these are the reasons why...' it's tough.

NSF is the only federal agency with a proven track record of selecting education projects through a rigorous, careful and competitive process that draws on a wide variety of experts from outside government.

We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted.

Years and years ago, when everyone knew that Pierce was going to be doing the job, they started selecting new people. I had this bizarre thing when I hadn't done many movies, and of going on for an interview.

You don't get to be in the squad unless you're six feet tall, a supermodel, perfect, famous, and hot. That's like hand selecting perfection, putting it into a group of girls, and saying, 'Look how amazing we are.'

The disciplined approach to pursuing and selecting the most attractive investment opportunities continues to distinguish ExxonMobil. We are long-term driven, and we're patient. And we're not opportunity-constrained.

Politics has become very corporate. There's a whole farm system for the teams. There's decisions made at the top. There's a lot of literal corporate involvement, PAC money involved in selecting and backing candidates.

Youngsters are selecting dance as a profession and are aiming for an aspiring career in the field of dance. I am happy to see that we brought about that change and encouraged young people to opt for dance as their path.

Oh, the illusion of choice in the modern world - don't get me started. But don't you agree that the Internet has softened our brains and made us forget that 'choice' used to mean something different from selecting options from menus?

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