Football is to unite, not separate.

It is hard to separate the art from the artist.

We're not separate races. There's only one human race.

Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.

Everybody is their own galaxy, their own separate entity.

Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.

Kane and Glenn Jacobs are two separate entities, you know.

Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.

We are all one. We're not as separate as we oftentimes think.

Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.

Everybody always going to sound like somebody. You got to separate yourself.

One cannot separate the spider web's form from the way in which it originated.

The part an actor played on stage was once written on a separate roll of paper.

If you want to read about love and marriage, you've got to buy two separate books.

But separation of church and state was never meant to separate God and government.

Certainly, in the course of time, the splendid things will separate from the hateful.

I refuse to allow any man-made differences to separate me from any other human beings.

It is a mistake to separate learning for work and for community and personal development.

I wanted to separate data from programs, because data and instructions are very different.

The soul is neither inside nor outside the body; neither proximate to nor separate from it.

Gujarat is the fourth state in the world where we have a separate climate-change department.

My friends told me that it's the hardest thing to separate the personal life from their work.

There can be hope only for a society which acts as one big family, not as many separate ones.

I have always had a separate walk-in wardrobe, so I have the luxury of a fairly sparse bedroom.

Your job as a smart investor is to separate the facts and the news from the fiction and the noise.

You cannot separate the buildings out from the infrastructure of cites and the mobility of transit.

We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place.

When man began to think he was a separate person with a separate soul, it created a violent situation.

The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it.

I could never figure out why photography and art had separate histories. So I decided to explore both.

The beauty of a face is not a separate quality but a relation or proportion of qualities to each other.

As the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court case has shown us, separate is not always equal.

Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.

The differences that separate human beings are nothing compared to the similarities that bond us together.

If vampires were a separate species, and they were into genetic engineering, what would they engineer for?

Of course it would depend on the project, but I don't think I could ever separate myself from my aesthetic.

There were 23 or 24 separate tax cuts during the Giuliani administration. I'd love to be able to equal that.

Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?

By telling stories, you objectify your own experience. You separate it from yourself. You pin down certain truths.

The digital world has been in a separate orbit from our medical cocoon, and it's time the boundaries be taken down.

We are supposed to all be equal before the law, but we have a separate and distinct ruling class, and that is wrong.

There are two futures, the future of desire and the future of fate, and man's reason has never learned to separate them.

The five separate fingers are five independent units. Close them and the fist multiplies strength. This is organization.

I don't separate architecture, design, or culture. What's more important is a language of creativity that carries meaning.

If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.

One of the many qualities that separate self-made billionaires from the rest of us is their ability to ask the right questions.

The sense of being a separate, egoic self begins with the astral, not with the physical, body. The soul is individualized spirit.

Before, there was a culture that said Mumbai is separate, Telugu films should be separate. Now, everyone is working together. It's cool.

Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles.

We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations - we're doing everything we can to keep our marriage together.

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