I think Obama was terribly sexist.

I'm not sexist, I'm just a realist.

I'm a woman, but I've been a sexist, too.

Better sexy and racy Than sexist and racist

You know, it's a very sexist society, Indonesia.

[Women] Inferior? Superior! I am sexist, of course.

Trolls online are constantly giving you sexist comments.

Conservatism in general is bad, and it's racist and sexist.

How sexist and rude to say that my job defines my character.

People are actually having conversations about "Is this sexist?"

It's quite clear to me I'm not a sexist and I'm not a misogynist.

I do not fight against men, but against the system that is sexist.

If I have any sexist feelings they are aimed at men: I hate manly men.

Hollywood is sexist and age-ist, and that covers all the bases, I guess.

Man created God in his image: intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent.

Hillary Clinton was saying Bill Clinton has tendencies toward being sexist.

It's okay in this country to be sexist. It's certainly not okay to be racist.

Protesting against sexism doesn't mean saying that all men are actively sexist.

We cannot go back to a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic type of society.

Implying women are too weak to take a joke is *implicitlty* sexist, and ridiculous.

I don't know if I'm sexist, though I have not paid much attention to the women's bracket.

Either you are a feminist or you are a sexist/misogynist. There is no box marked 'other'.

When a woman has scholarly inclinations there is usually something wrong with her sexuality.

What offends me more than something sexist is something poorly written or unfunny or cliched.

'Married with Children' was racy. It was sexist. It was a lot of things, but mostly it was funny.

I'm not sexist in any way - sexism is another form of violence, and there are many great men in this world.

Without sounding sexist, you have to cast a real man opposite Cate Blanchett. You need a guy who's grown up.

'Man up' is a sexist term that should be retired along with all the other gender-based imperious imperatives.

Gamergate isn't the problem - it's a symptom of an industry that is deeply sexist and unable to understand it.

I think women can be just as sexist. Women can be misogynistic, too - more so, they have more freedom to do it.

The irony is that the more unapologetically sexist men are in movies, the more women tend to be attracted to them in person.

I have had time to analyze my feelings. I am certain that they are totally neurotic, sexist, silly, and a big waste of time.

I have not been more robust towards female rather than male assembly members and I do not believe I have been remotely sexist.

When asked if they would like to have sex with me, 30 per cent said, “Yes”, while the other 70 per cent replied, “What, again?”

Feminism justified female 'victim power' by convincing the world that we lived in a sexist, male-dominated, and patriarchal world.

The six people who had the biggest impact on my life were all women. Had I been sexist, my life would have been far less fulfilling.

I'm not a sexist. I believe if a man can to go work all his life, a woman can. Who am I to say, 'Don't do that because you're a girl?'

We can celebrate how far we've come from our sexist past when women and men are equally represented in the pages of science fiction anthologies.

We live in a really sexist culture, that's got to be addressed. And a really homophobic one. And all those things need to be addressed and looked at.

I enjoyed showing a bit more leg in the last few stories. It was good fun, but it can be quite sexist. But it doesn't worry me personally all that much.

There were worse things to be than sexist. For example, you could be the sort of person who pinched your fingers together while using the words “teeny weeny.

I once got asked in an interview: 'Does it annoy you that the majority of your fans are teenage girls?' I was insulted and angry because it was sexist and ageist.

It's actually sexist to accuse men as a whole of something, you know? It's just - I don't know. A guy can't even open a door for a lady without being called a pig.

I have a fetish for damsels in distress.” “Don’t be sexist.” “Not at all. My services are also available to gentlemen in distress. It’s an equal opportunity fetish.

I certainly don't recognise myself as the horrible sexist portrayed in media reports, and I don't think the women who have worked with me throughout my career do either.

I think the Bible is hugely patriarchal. There are so many sexist comments and homophobic comments and comments that are not in keeping with nurturing and loving the human spirit.

I still like to shock, but the jokes are less sexist. It's just that, at one point in my stories, there was some sense of pride, some enthusiasm, and now I'm just embarrassed by myself.

To presume that my greatest achievement is that I dated someone famous twenty years ago is completely sexist and anti-woman. It's lazy, nasty journalism that makes me sad about our world.

Men are very competent in their workplace - and this is going to sound sexist - women are better at running households and juggling lots of things, kids and scheduling and that kind of thing.

My Twitter feed is polluted with vitriolic personal abuse, much of it gendered. Like almost all female Members of Parliament, I have both seen and experienced inappropriate and sexist behaviour.

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