Illusions are bound to be shattered

My heart shattered. My world shattered

He saved the world, but he shattered mine.

Maturity is a series of shattered illusions.

My whole faith was shattered there for a while.

I felt dull and flat and full of shattered visions.

Shattered people are best represented by bits and pieces.

He who lives by the crystal ball will eat shattered glass.

When illusions are shattered by truth, talent is set free.

I've shattered every negative stereotype people had about me.

It shattered something inside me that hadn't been broken before.

There is always more surface to a shattered object than a whole.

I believe women still face a glass ceiling that must be shattered.

Mofaz was elected to head Kadima since the party had been shattered.

When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It's like death.

Happiness in the present is only shattered by comparison with the past.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.

Nothing is written stone, child. Even if it were, the stones can be shattered

I remember on 'JAG,' Joe Jackson punched Stephen Culp and shattered his nose.

Very quickly after meeting Dustin, the whole image I had of him was shattered.

Keep a cool surface. Calm. Detached. As inside a part of you has been shattered.

Your idol is shattered in the dust to prove that God's dust is greater than your idol.

I love 'Shattered Glass.' It's one of my favorite movies. I think it's just brilliant.

I’m really cracking. No, I’m beyond cracking. I’m shattered. I’m lost. I’m fragmented.

The external Soviet empire lasted 45 years. It is shattered, beyond redemption or repair.

Prayer holds together the shattered fragments of the creation. It makes history possible.

I am forced to view the Middle East as if I am looking in a mirror that has been shattered.

Everyone always says that love was enough. It wasn't. Not when your soul has been shattered.

It's what's buried deep inside that frightens me because it's broken, like a shattered mirror.

The vicious circle has been shattered. Canadians now enjoy the benefits of the virtuous circle.

A shattered illusion is a sorrowful experience; but a life without illusion is a sorrowful life

I shattered the notion that a movie had to be advertised with realistic elements from the story.

If you feel incomplete, you alone must fill yourself with love in all your empty shattered spaces

False ideals cannot be shattered by criticism. Right ideals must take up the battle against them.

I am excited to have a black president because white supremacy is real and it needs to be shattered.

The maid that loves goes out to sea upon a shattered plank, and puts her trust in miracles for safety.

If you get too big for your boots, if you've got big dreams, you're gonna get them broken or shattered.

Christianity in the Middle East is shattered. The ancient faith tradition lies beaten, broken, and dying.

The male ego is a terrifying, terrifying thing, you know? If it's shattered, it becomes even more dangerous.

I've been dumped hard. My heart has been broken and shattered, and I've also been on the other end of that too.

The schizophrenic mind is not so much split as shattered. I like to say schizophrenia is like a waking nightmare.

Complacency is a state of mind that exists only in retrospective: it has to be shattered before being ascertained.

After Euro 2008, football in England was shattered for a bit, and people were losing interest in following England.

I shattered the heel in my good leg, and it was an extremely bad injury. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to snowboard again.

Oh. To be filled with goodness then shattered by goodness, so beautifully mosaically fragmented by such shocking goodness.

It was quite a blow to have my perfect image of my father shattered, but that's something we all face before we come to full adulthood.

My nervous system is a shattered wreck, and I am absolutely bored and listless save when I come upon something which peculiarly interests me.

When I got hurt - everybody knows I shattered my pelvis - all I thought about was running with my kids one day and being able to have a family.

The ego being shattered is not what frightens me - that can be useful for writing - but the ego being inflated is sort of like it dying of gout.

I am livid with rage, sitting here in chains through this mad war which kills any meaning of life... My nerves are shattered and my mind darkened.

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