I'm like HBK. I'm like Shawn Michaels.

I know that Shawn Porter is not on my level.

Shawn Michaels was the guy to study and watch.

Shawn Michaels is the reason I wanted to be a wrestler.

I love Andre Braugher, and I'm a big fan of Shawn Ryan.

I've always thought Shawn Michaels's story is fascinating.

The wrestling equivalent to Wayne Gretzky? That's Shawn Michaels.

I love 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero.

People like Beck and Shawn Colvin are some of the people I listen to lately.

Shawn Kemp was the player that I grew up watching, when he was with the SuperSonics.

Shawn Michaels really helped me a lot. We helped each other. It was a good partnership.

Having people like Triple H and Shawn Michaels at the performance center, it's just insane.

Shawn Michaels, to me and to so many people, is just the greatest in-ring performer of all time.

On my wish list, a guy I would have loved to work with in our prime would have been Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels I just think the world of. I would love the opportunity to be in a meaningful match with him.

I'll tell you upfront, I think Shawn Michaels was probably the most gifted worker the business has ever seen.

Growing up and seeing Shawn Johnson, for her to call me on the phone, I think my inner child was freaking out!

I will be Shawn Kemp regardless of whether I have money or not. The only thing money does is show who you are.

Your Shawn Michaels can lose his smile, and he's so afraid of me, he comes out and hands me his belt. Spineless!

Shawn Porter is a terrific fighter and he's a great friend of mine. He's a devastating boxer-puncher like myself.

When I was a kid, I got to meet Shawn Michaels at the Continental Airlines Arena, and I showed Shawn that picture.

Monday nights, it wasn't like, 'Mom, I want to watch Monday Night Raw.' It was like, 'Mom, put on Shawn Michaels.'

Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Shawn Michales… the list goes on and on of great guys who made WrestleMania what it is.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels and all those guys are more than happy to let me be myself. They want me to do my thing.

My mom made me a Shawn Michaels costume when I was a kid. I wore it every day and ran around the house dancing like him.

There is no positive outlook about Shawn Kemp in Seattle. When that name is mentioned, it brings nothing but negativity.

When I was younger, my favorite wrestlers were Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho. I relate to them. I don't know what it was.

I wrestled my guys growing up. I've wrestled with Hulk Hogan. I've wrestled against Shawn Michaels. I've wrestled against Ric Flair.

I'm so glad I got an opportunity to meet Shawn Michaels, because he didn't let any of my expectations down. He's the coolest guy ever.

I was a big fan of Bret Hart growing up, and Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Triple H. I've probably drawn from them when I was younger.

I grew up on WWE. Eddie Guerrero is my everything. He's my hero, as are Shawn Michaels and Tiger Mask. I tried to model myself after them.

Shawn Porter is a good fighter, but he hasn't accomplished nearly as much as Danny Garcia has accomplished or beat the fighters who he has beat.

I lived, ate, breathed, slept Shawn Michaels. I wouldn't call it pro wrestling back in the day when I was a kid. I just called it Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels is one of those wise-cracking guys who would say a smart comment to you, but then if you face him, he would run and cry somewhere.

I listen to somebody like Shawn Lane, and unfortunately he is no longer with us, but I hear him playing and I am like, 'That is just absolutely ridiculous.'

I've known Shawn for several years. And he's just an amazing talent. He's a great writer, a marvelous, marvelous guitar player, and plays really good fiddle.

Kell Brook has a lot of heart. He showed it against Golovkin and when he came over here to the States and fought Shawn Porter. He's a real warrior in the ring.

People, when they sent me to Cleveland, what they expected was for Shawn to go to Cleveland and us to lose, you know what I'm saying? It's not going to happen.

I was a Shawn Michaels fan, so that's a sad memory for me. I'm proud to add a happier memory in that building, even though Christopher Daniels also lost his smile.

I grew up in the Northwest, so I was always a really big Sonics fan. I loved Gary Payton, Shawn Kemp, a lot of those players who were really good through the '90s.

I loved the Rumble that Shawn Michaels won. Bulldog threw him over, and he hung on by the skin of the teeth and dumped Bulldog - that was one of my favourite ones.

The ways in which I was obsessed with Gary Payton and Shawn Kemp 20 years ago is completely replicated by my daughters' and my crush on Marshawn Lynch and Richard Sherman now.

I remember always loving the bad guy Shawn Michaels. Everyone else always hated when he played the bad guy, but there was just something about that character I connected with.

I was getting loads of tweets from people saying that Shawn Michaels had talked about me on Chris Jericho's podcast and then I got to meet Shawn Michaels when I was over in Florida.

When I moved to Orlando, it was my first time moving from Cleveland. You never know what to expect. But to be able to go and work with Shawn Michaels and learn from him - it's just mind-blowing.

If you look at guys like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Undertaker, the reason why they are around so long is because they keep things interesting, and hopefully, I have been able to do it as well.

If Keith Thurman comes back, and he has a great fight and he shows what he's been showing in the fights with Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter, everyone is going to talk about Errol Spence vs. Keith Thurman.

Having nine brothers and sisters, you have to stand out. In order to get on the stage with me and Shawn and Marlon and Keenan and Kim, you have to be funny. We're not going to let you in the conversation.

I definitely look up to Troye Sivan and Shawn Mendes as people that have successfully made the jump into the music world. I think it's incredible that they have been able to do that because it's not easy.

Shawn Spears, he is a scumbag. He decided, after years of friendship with one of the greatest men to ever live Cody Rhodes, to waffle him with a chair. No one should be laying a finger on that man, he is a saint.

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