Prayer is a shield to the soul

Your spirit is the true shield.

Solemnity is the shield of idiots

God is the shield of the nonviolent.

Come back with your shield - or on it

The truth is often one's best shield.

I'm his locomotive and he's my shield.

Darkness shields as much as it threatens.

Life was simple when you were a Shield Bug.

Silence is my weapon, silence is my shield.

ridicule may be a shield, but it is not a weapon.

For an impenetrable shield, stand inside yourself

The guitar was my weapon, my shield to hide behind.

Sisters are a shield against life's cruel adversity.

Zeal is ever the buckler and shield of a true soldier.

I'm a huge fan of things like The Wire and The Shield.

Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority.

Squidward, where are you? Shield me with your forehead!

My only good result in 1997 was marrying Brooke Shields.

I think that 'The Shield' was a phenomenal series finale.

Cover your selfe with your shield, and care not for cryes.

Return with your shield, or upon it.’ (Julian's stepmother)

See the sun! God's crest upon His azure shield, the Heavens.

Never shield your oddness, but wear your oddness as a shield.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

The red and white and starry blue Is freedom's shield and hope.

What the book does as a technology is shield us from distraction.

Good Humor is the best shield against the darts of satirical raillery

Nothing was easier to shatter than the fragile shield of an idealist.

Losing our ignorance can be dangerous because our ignorance is a shield.

But there are still good shows like 24, Boomtown and the Wire, the Shield.

The Shield made me realize there were great opportunities for writers in TV.

Our God was my shield. His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude.

God shields the souls of the innocent the best He can from the Devil's torments.

I have a soul that like an ample shield Can take in all, and verge enough for more.

God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it.

He who does not walk against the arrows cannot talk about the strength of his shield!

I will survive, Tracy thought. I face mine enemies naked, and my courage is my shield.

A fearless woman who knows that her purity is her best shield can never be dishonoured.

Build a shield between yourself and the descriptions of the world that everyone else has.

Non-violence should never be used as a shield for cowardice. It is a weapon for the brave.

I wasn't born with a tie or with Mark Shields stapled to my left hip. I have another life.

Minorities have a right to appeal to the Constitution as a shield against such oppression.

Militant mothers hiding in the basement using pots and pans as their shields and their helmets.

Being unpopular is never easy; but being unpopular in a good cause is a shield against despair.

Don't obey God to get things. Obey God to get God. He is your shield and your very great reward.

The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us from the terrors of the future.

The devout belief that the world is explainable is both a terrible vulnerability and a stout shield.

I won't be protected. I will choose for myself what is ladylike and right. To shield me is an insult.

When I'm out with a group I hide in the corner and get legless. I just make sure my friends shield me.

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