We're shooting 100 percent - 60 percent from the field and 40 percent from the free-throw line.

The moment we finished shooting for 'Bruce Lee,' my wife Upasana reminded of a pending holiday.

An arrow is never afraid of shooting from the bow; but it is afraid of not reaching the target!

Once I start shooting that jumper, I feel like I will be one of those guys that is hard to stop.

It was fun shooting with Josh [Holloway], not just how great he is, but just how handsome he is.

Even a fiction film is hard to end. You can going on shooting and editing a documentary forever.

I love shooting French films because I don't have to stick with being sophisticated or stuck-up.

You don't start shooting rockets at Israel and expect that we'll just sit back supinely and die.

I know that some people think differently about pilots, but I really enjoyed shooting Awakening.

Shooting is a lost art. I want to be one of the artists who is remembered for a long, long time.

When you are shooting action, there is a satisfying thing because your objectives are very clear.

Perhaps the most difficult thing is shooting scenes set 6,000 feet up in the mountains of Mexico.

I was shooting 45 times a game. What was I supposed to do? Pass it into Chris Mihm & Kwame Brown?

Shooting films in Britain is always difficult, because we've never got enough money to make them.

From my experience of shooting 'Tudors' on the island of Ireland, you cannot predict the weather.

I could make good time because I was so long and skinny, shooting through the water like a stick.

I think I spent my whole childhood diving out of haylofts with my BB gun and coming out shooting.

When I started shooting speed, amphetamine, when I was 15, almost 16, it actually calmed me down.

I know that some people think differently about pilots, but I really enjoyed shooting 'Awakening'.

When you were a stock player, you worked on anything that was shooting on the lot in any capacity.

I've had a great time on the road, I would say shooting guns with a silencer in Jacksonville, Fla.

I kind of discovered Kolkata when I was shooting here for 'Kahaani.' I found the city fascinating.

The trouble with shooting people, Edie Banister now remembers, is that it's so hard to do just one.

When I started shooting it just gives my partners more chances for rebounds. It opens up more room.

Movies are made in the scriptwriting process and prepping and preparations for the shooting process.

You cannot have a rational discussion with a man who prefers shooting you to being convinced by you.

It's a fun thing to do: Go to a shooting range with a buddy, knock off a few rounds, release stress.

Maybe once in a while, you know, after a hard day of shooting or something like that, I'd kick back.

The second I finish shooting something, I know I could have done it better if we started right then.

When I'm not shooting, I go to school every day. When I am shooting, I have tutors on set helping me.

One of the biggest changes for me on a practical level of shooting the film was having a second unit.

And shooting things in a documentary style was a good way to create tension and energy without money.

If you can keep playing tennis when somebody is shooting a gun down the street, that's concentration.

I like to stay home. I don't want to be away shooting in Europe for six or eight months at a stretch.

I'm not anti-fox hunting because, to me, shooting foxes is even worse and the results are horrendous.

I'm not about trying to be out here fighting and shooting, stabbing and, you know, all that crap, man.

I really enjoy laughing at work, and I find that it's easier to do that when you're shooting a comedy.

Four months of preparation and about 12 hours of shooting turned into about 30 seconds of screen time.

If you're shooting a really serious, dramatic scene, personally I wouldn't want to look at the camera.

I'm not an NRA member, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate shooting blanks out of a machine gun.

When I'm shooting, it averages out at a 16-hour day. You have two deadlines everyday - lunch and wrap.

I'm either shooting for films or commercials, attending events, or meeting people, so on and so forth.

I shoot reality-based movies, and in actual locations, shooting them with a star is next to impossible.

There's something about shooting webs out of my wrists and climbing up things that just makes me happy.

The 3D, it changes the way you shoot in a way, especially when you're shooting live action 3D elements.

We have wasted History like a bunch of drunks shooting dice back in the men's crapper of the local bar.

When the ravens leave the Tower, England shall fall, they say. We want to be there shooting the ravens.

The U.S. prostitutes are fighting with everybody, shooting at everybody. It's like dating a gangbanger.

If I go home from a day of shooting, and I haven't at some point felt the magic, I'm really frustrated.

For a two-hour movie on a 20-day shooting schedule, it's O.K. to have an actor who's a pain in the neck.

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