I am a tomboy and I love being with the boys and shooting guns and stuff.

I'm good at penalties, either using power or technique when I'm shooting.

I had written 'Two Lovers' before we started shooting 'We Own the Night.'

The only way to get out of mediocrity is to keep shooting for excellence.

I'm a sportsman. You know, I go out clay shooting and put three shells in.

I'm happy riding horses and getting out shooting my gun, things like that.

You might be a redneck if you were shooting pool when your kids were born.

A critic never fights the battle; they just go around shooting the wounded.

Me shooting 40% at the foul line is just God's way to say nobody's perfect.

Shooting a movie is the worst milieu for creative work ever devised by man.

Even for an area I know well, I prepare a shooting list of subjects I need.

I love doing sitcoms. I love doing comedy. I love the whole shooting match.

If they found a way to make shooting in 240p expensive, it would be trendy.

I love shooting guns. Not at people or animals, but I love shooting blanks!

Shooting's not actually a bad place to take a girl on a date, unbelievably.

Shooting in Japan was one of the best working experiences of my entire life.

Brexit was a fantastic example of a nation shooting itself full in the face.

Murders came with smiles, shooting people was no big deal for us Goodfellas.

I record a podcast, 'Shondaland Revealed,' every week while we are shooting.

Learn from your experience shooting your film, and then move on to the next.

I'm shooting a pilot based on my show. It's a one-camera show. I play myself.

When you're shooting a TV show, there's not a lot of time to build character.

Small ball, spacing, shooting 3s, is something that everybody's trying to do.

I don't like 7-footers shooting threes, it's a disrespect to the game for me.

When your tummy is full - even while shooting for long hours - you feel good.

I'm shooting a commercial for safe sex. How ironic. Because I don't have that.

At the end of the day, there's not a day that goes by without a mass shooting.

I worked a lot on my ball-handling and outside shooting during the off season.

Growing up in Arizona, I love fireworks, shooting off bottle rockets and M80s.

Shooting action is very, very meticulous, it's increments, tiny little pieces.

I am not interested in shooting new things - I am interested to see things new.

The lowest budget U.S. films are ten times times better than shooting in Tibet.

When I begin shooting, I get nervous, as I am under pressure to do my job well.

That's what Europe brought to the NBA: the passing skills, the shooting skills.

Youre shooting yourself in the foot if you isolate or disempower the moderates.

I can sing better after shooting smack in both arms than after eating too much.

Shooting videos with lots of effects is like shooting a bunch of puzzle pieces.

What your soldier wants - really, really wants - is no-one shooting back at him.

You're shooting yourself in the foot if you isolate or disempower the moderates.

Theyʹre shooting at us,ʺ I said incredulously. ʺTheyʹre actually shooting at us!

I have learnt sketching, drawing, singing, dancing, rifle shooting, paragliding.

Excusing bad programming is a shooting offence, no matter what the circumstances.

The lowest budget U.S. films are ten times times better (than shooting in Tibet).

I'm like a shooting star! I've come so far! I can't go back to where I used to be!

It's one of the most progressive cities in the world. Shooting is only a sideline.

There is a great difference between shooting a photograph and making a photograph.

The first thing that goes into shooting a scene is understanding whats on the page.

Shooting film is not for everybody, but if you're crazy enough it might be for you.

When you're shooting at 9 A.M. at a club, you have to use all of your acting skills.

Once I finish shooting a film, I usually sit on it to see how we can make it better.

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