With 'Mad Men,' you feel like you're a member of Seal Team Six when you're shooting.

The night doesn't say to itself, 'Here comes a shooting star to interrupt my peace!'

'Terrible' is not a word I would use in shooting romantic scenes with Scott Speedman.

Universal rushed us. We started shooting without a script that was totally completed.

I ran into Woody Allen shooting a movie on my block. I can't believe this is my life!

Ze soldiers are very hoppy shooting ze pipples who say that ze pipples are not hoppy.

Shooting stuff on horseback is more complicated and time consuming than anything else.

I go through periods, usually when I'm editing and shooting, of seeing only old films.

'Peace' is when nobody's shooting. A 'just peace' is when our side gets what it wants.

When I am not shooting, all my waking hours are dedicated to horse riding and gymming.

In the NBA, there is a guy guarding you, and you really have to try shooting over him.

Resenting the obtuseness of others is not good ground for shooting oneself in the foot.

I was shooting at myself - I was shooting my own violence and the violence of the times

From 2005 to 2010, I was exclusively shooting 'The Act of Killing' and then editing it.

Once you're on the set and shooting, it's all just cinema. You have actors and cameras.

Penalty shooting is always an uncertain affair because there is a lot of luck involved.

One of my best friends while shooting 'Roots' was Vic Morrow, the guy that whips Kunta.

When shooting a story about someone, their hands should always be on your list to shoot.

I'm always thinking, 'What next,' even while working on one play or shooting for a film.

Fencing and shooting kind of came naturally. From the start, I knew that I had it in me.

My two great loves when I'm shooting are working with great actors and composing images.

Yeah, I had a tremendous time shooting in Nebraska. I like that state a lot, all over it.

On my last day of shooting, I'd be happy to say 'Cut, it's a wrap' and fall off the twig.

After six, seven films, I started to get a little tired. Shooting takes a lot out of you.

On film, you can't do it over again. And you do have to stop shooting at a certain point.

On Lock, Stock, we didn't know where the money for shooting the next day was coming from.

We all write, but the script is a blueprint. We can lose whole scenes when we're shooting.

He was like a shooting star you tried to catch with your hands. She would only get burned.

The best part of shooting 'House of Cards' in Baltimore is eating lots of soft-shell crab.

Typically, I like to talk and meet with actors face to face well before we start shooting.

If you're not shooting in the right direction, it doesn't matter how well you're shooting.

Shooting is nothing. Anybody can shoot. The big charge is putting on a show for the crowd.

There's always things from shooting a film that you pick up that hopefully make you better.

We're used to shooting our own stuff on our cellphones. We're used to capturing everything.

To shoot a gun proficiently, including speed shooting, is much less of a skill than typing.

Once you do a joke and it works it's only good for so long, like shooting fish in a barrel.

When I am shooting a film I never think of how I want to shoot something; I simply shoot it.

In scoring we have a lot that was not evident in the shooting. The radio is on all the time.

They continue to criticize me for my outside shooting, but I continue to make outside shots.

I'm a crack shot and I've won medals for shooting. But I don't think I could shoot a person.

While shooting a movie if I can't find what I want, then I keep going until I find my moment.

Performing in front of the camera is a different thing, and shooting a whole film is another.

Although the shooting war is over, we are in the midst of a cold war which is getting warmer.

I had never been to Boston before shooting the 'Chasing Life' pilot in 2012. I love it there!

I don't like to talk about things until I'm on set shooting them because it doesn't feel real.

Oftentimes, the only evidence left behind at the scene of a shooting are bullet shell casings.

I just had my 30th birthday and we went turkey shooting. It's what I wanted to do, so we went.

Shooting this show is pretty intense. You lose your life. But I have no life, so it's perfect!

Best thing about shooting in Atlanta at night is that it's not as hot as it is during the day.

The truth of the matter is that the problem of police shootings and reactions in the community.

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