Hate showers, they're weird.

I will send a shower of roses.

A hatt is not made for one shower.

I can take five showers in one day.

Shower the people you love with love.

I will save the singing for my shower.

I sing around the house, in the shower

I love the day date. No wine, no shower.

The shower trick. Let's hear it, Kendall

I really enjoy taking an outdoor shower.

Tears are the summer showers to the soul.

Sweet April showers do spring May flowers.

Other people sing in the shower, but I don't.

And by the way, showers. Look into them, Doug!

To a shower of gold most things are penetrable.

I never sing in the shower. It's very dangerous.

Time is the shower of Danae; each drop is golden.

I could work in the shower if I had plastic paper.

Leave the shower curtain on the inside of the tub.

Eating toast in the shower is the ultimate multitask

Let's all try to conserve water. But it's OK to shower.

To Jim Duggan, taking a shower is a high risk maneuver.

Remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the bathtub.

I never sing under the shower, I keep it for the stage.

You know what’s really good is a greyhound in the shower.

You know you're tired when you fall asleep in the shower.

I don't like taking showers in the locker room after a match.

The Goddess does not shower her gifts on those who reject them.

I like to sing around the bonfire, in my car and in the shower.

Pleasantly, between the pelting showers, the sunshine gushes down.

Boyfriends have to understand my needs. I shower four times a day.

Are you asking if I ever spied on you while you were taking a shower?

If you do good in secret, Allah will shower His good on you in public.

While everyone else is in the spa, im gonna shower because im Tom Daley

Whats more awkward than doing a shower scene? Rehearsing a shower scene.

Sand. Everywhere. In the bed, in the shower, all over the floor. Grrrrr.

I don't sing in the shower at all, and I don't sing in the shower, either.

It takes me 10 minutes to get ready to go out, and that includes the shower.

Whatever you do, in the privacy of your own rain shower, is your own business

I was so thin, I had to run around in the shower to get wet. That kind of thin.

Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach.

I know my mom always likes to give the over-the-top 'wow' pieces at baby showers.

Due to a life of training and playing, I seem to spend half my time in the shower.

If you think all men are created equal, you haven't seen Bo Diddley in the shower.

I always find it offensive when people say God showers riches on you if you're good.

John McEnroe's so good. Against him, all you can do is shake hands and take a shower.

Mutilated corpses with a chance of afternoon showers. I got dressed and went to work.

Don't ever take a shower with a woman, because you'll probably end up proposing to her.

I always take a cold shower to wake me up and close my pores. Then I moisturize my face.

So are you to my thoughts as food to life, or as sweet seasoned showers are to the ground.

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