My dad is a phenomenal skier.

I am a self-taught water skier and wind surfer.

You have to be a little crazy to be a downhill skier.

I've only skied a couple of times in my life. Any skier would say I stink.

I was a professional skier and it has always been in my blood to be active.

It's funny to have become an elegant skier now. But my drive is still the same.

I'm a black-diamond skier and can dance the whole night - if I find a good partner!

Winning the overall is a dream I've had since being a young skier. It's everyone's dream.

I've been a skier since I was 2 or 3, skiing with my dad in northern New York and Vermont.

I'd encourage anyone at any level to take lessons, as it really can turn you into a different kind of skier.

I'm not much of a water skier, my legs are too skinny for that, so I just try to tube and have fun, just ride.

The first thing I wanted to do, as a boy, was to be a skier, because I had seen film footage of somebody skiing.

I'm a big outdoorsman... I'm a big hunter. Avid fisherman. Hiker. Climber. Scuba diver. Skier. Love the outdoors.

I am a freestyle mogul skier who, on February 13, became the first American to win a gold medal at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.

I'm a terrible skier and snowboarder but I still love it. But I also love lying around in the sun, eating good food and doing nothing.

The Caribbean is great, but I also love the mountains as well. I'm a big skier, and I love spending time in Switzerland skiing. It really depends.

I guess I'm a semi-retired person. I work out of my house. I'm a skier in the winter - downhill and cross country. I have a place in Montana for the down-hilling.

I always felt like I had something to prove, like I had to work twice as hard to make sure I got it. I knew I didn't want to be a good skier. I wanted to be the best.

Vail's a very important place for me. Everyone kind of took me in and accepted me in that town, and they still have to this day. I wouldn't be a downhill skier if I hadn't been there.

I have a strong lead so far, and I would be proud to win it because it remains the summit for a skier. I also aim to collect several smaller crystal trophies at Are, especially the GS Cup.

I was an expert skier who set his sights on going to the 1988 Olympics in Canada to represent Britain, and went from novice ramps to the 120-metre jump in five months. That's possible only with utter focus.

When I was 50 years old, I actually decided to draw up a list of half a dozen things that I really hadn't done very well, and I was going to make efforts to improve. One of them was skiing, and I really did become a very much better skier.

I've always been the, 'Sure, I'll try that' guy. I'm very adventurous and don't have fears. I think I got that from my mother's side because she was an Olympic skier. Jump off a mountain with a parachute? Sure. What could possibly go wrong?

Dad met Mom in 1983 during the lead-up to the 1984 games. She was an Olympic downhill skier. In those days, the winter and summer games were held in different cities but in the same year, so there was more intermingling of winter and summer athletes at social functions.

I don't think that one thing defines me, but I know that by coming out the way that I did, sort of almost pioneering it in action sports - to take that stand - that it's always going to be a label that is stuck with me, and I know that I'll always be the 'gay skier,' and it actually doesn't bother me.

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