Be prepared. *smacks chest*

I like women who talk smack.

Everybody talks smack during games.

Every song a hit, every hit a smack!

I'm pretty chirpy. I can talk a little too much smack.

Smack in the centre of contradiction is the place to be.

There were no spells at my school, just a smack in the mouth.

I don't talk smack because I feel like it's a waste of energy.

Some smack of age in you, some relish of the saltness of time.

Like I'm going to pass up an opportunity to smack your cousin.

I think every woman in their life wants to give a good face smack.

A high five is a very open kind of hand, but it can still smack you.

I've got friends who didn't vote. I want to smack them upside the head.

There were certainly no spells at my school. More like a smack in the mouth.

Increasingly, people have very little tolerance for anything that smacks of propaganda.

It's all happening too fast. I've got to put the brakes on or I'll smack into something.

It is often said that science must avoid any conclusions which smack of the supernatural.

A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy.

I'm very confident that if I get close to one of these pigs, i could put the smack down on it.

I'm not one of those guys talking smack, because we've seen it catches up to you at some point.

There is no jollitie but hath a smack of folly. [There is no jollity but hath a smack of folly.]

I've always tried to do shows in a filmic way. I like it when forms smack up against each other.

I think 'ex-model,' especially in the UK, smacks of being shallow and stupid and having no soul.

Try it. You don't have to do it ever again if you don't want to. But try it once. Try everything once.

The directors are selective in their choice of actors and sometimes, those choices smack of arrogance.

When I found out that there was eight Presidents before George Washington, I wanted to smack somebody.

Everyone used to call me 'Mr. Switzerland.' I'm not the kind of guy who smack talks anybody or whatever.

I don't really do it on the field, but off the field, I use it to my advantage. I'll talk a lot of smack.

Southern women always know how to make you feel welcome, loved and admired, even when we're talkin' smack!

The refined punishments of the spiritual mode are usually much more indecent and dangerous than a good smack.

I don't smack him around. I don't yell at him. And if he wants to go to the park in his pajamas, I don't care.

Trash talk? Smack talk? This is an American term that makes me laugh. I simply speak the truth. I'm an Irish man.

There's nothing worse than people who want to make you feel better when you are losing. I just want to smack them.

I don't set a whole lot of goals. It smacks a little bit of will to me, and I find that will is not the way to go for me.

I'm not very happy. I'm frustrated with human beings. I'm the guy who just wants to smack people in the face and say, 'Wake up!'

It would feel like a smack in the face to sign with any label outside of Dre's. He took a risk on me, and that means everything.

I take smack because I enjoy it. I enjoy all it makes me feel. I don't do it to be in with the in crowd. I can rock out with it.

I was a bit of a loudmouth, and I was in an environment where the elements aligned to have kids smack the hell outta me once in a while.

If you're not going to love the Spurs, just don't talk smack to me about it. And if you're going to talk smack to me about it, be funny.

I can cope with a smack in the face, or at least I should be able to after the number I have had. This one was just run-of-the-mill for me.

How do you conduct an intimate relationship where no one ever loses it? Where no one ever lashes out, where no one ever smacks anyone in the mouth?

People always sit there and talk about 'Talking Smack.' They always bring up the incident of 'Talking Smack.' What did I do on there that was so terrible?

Nicolas Sarkozy said he could see a wave rising. For once he was right. The wave's coming; it's high, its strong, and it's going to smack him in the face.

It sounds mercenary and it smacks of rats leaving the sinking ship. But get real, when everyone is bailing out, you don't want to be the last man standing.

In Germany, they have great difficulty with anything that smacks of cultism or messianic leadership. You can't talk about leadership in its charismatic forms.

I'm not a big golfer, but I love to go get a bucket of balls and just smack the balls around. That's my type of game. When I do play, it's mostly in charity tournaments.

Life smacks Tracy Morgan in the face, and I don't mean to talk in third party, but no, it doesn't stop raining when I come outside, no, absolutely not. I'm very in touch.

It's always frustrated me when I've seen other players able to smack balls over the bowler's head and stuff like that. I can't, though. When I've tried I've let myself down.

When you cry, you don't look very attractive; you look snotty and blotchy. People seem to manage to cry quite prettily these days, and to me, that smacks of not being very genuine.

I hate it when people lose it, there's nothing left because they're not interesting, they're boring, I hate it, and especially smack, people on smack are the most boring in the world.

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