Stylistically, we do so many different things.

Betrayal does so many different things to people.

I'm really influenced by so many different things.

I always compartmentalized so many different things.

I'm interested in so many different things and art forms.

I'm so many different things in one. I'm like, really, truly a New Yorker.

There's so many different things that you can physically change for a character.

Kids have got such active imaginations and they're scared of so many different things.

You see so many actors branching out into so many different things than just acting. It's so fantastic.

It's been hard for me to nail visual language and personal style because I like so many different things.

I try to learn as much as possible about so many different things in order to be able to talk to everyone.

I had - like a cat with nine lives, I've had so many different careers and tried so many different things.

My parents have very different tastes. They exposed me to so many different things. I represent both sides.

Religion has become so many different things. Religion is an economic thing for some people. Religion is a gun.

Telling a story is the way of exploring so many different things - human behavior, society, whatever existence.

It's the best, being able to work on so many different things I love. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing.

Ageing is so many different things, and cells being able to self-renew is part of the picture but not all of it.

My music has been called so many different things over the years. I figure as long as it's selling, call it what you want.

TV is really fun because there are so many different things you can play with; you can tell a story in a really, really rich way.

I'm involved in so many different things, and there are so many profound reactions to what I do because I am big counter culture.

What I love about acting is that you are exposed to so many different things. Horse-riding, sailing, travelling to amazing places.

With the first album, I wanted to do so many different things, and I was fighting with myself to try and see if I was worthy enough to do it.

Being exposed to the diversity of music I was as a kid made me the actor I am today. As an actor, you have to adapt and do so many different things.

There are so many different things that create an alchemy of success. Just like there are so many different things that create an alchemy of a failure.

With me being an artist that took over a decade to get on, there's so many different things that I have in common with artists that's struggling to get on.

I wanted to be so many different things in the beginning - I wanted to be a rocker, I wanted to be a great songwriter, I wanted to be a great melodic singer.

I get things out of my system through my songs, but, because they can be about so many different things, it takes me a while to get through them emotionally.

Women should be sure of themselves because women have a lot of capacities. We can achieve so many different things that men cannot. I think women are stronger.

I was always so many different things, all at once: a little hood, a little punk, a little grunge, a little glam, a little gay. I have a whole bunch of flavours.

I couldn't have a better resource than my brother. He's one of the smartest guys you'll have a conversation with. He knows so much about so many different things.

I took so many different things away from my maternity leave. It taught me to have more compassion for other people and to see every individual as someone's child.

In life, we are told to do or be so many different things and expected to fit so many different expectations; I think that's something I always had a hard time with.

You can get reps up in the gym as much as you want, hours and hours, but when it comes to a game, there's so many different aspects going on, so many different things.

When I was I kid, there were so many different things that I wanted to be. As an actor, I get a chance to be all of those things, at least for a couple of days, which is fun.

As we get further into our career we're figuring out how to become more efficient as artists, and doing so many different things is testament to our cohesiveness as the Roots.

I feel like that's what's going to be most respected at the end of the day, that I'm able to do so many different things and become less of a rapper and just more as a musician.

Houston is kind of a melting pot. There are many different cultures and ethnicities represented out there, even on my team. It's really cool: you'll see so many different things.

There are so many different things out there trying to hook our attention, we writers have to be very selective and make certain that it is coming from inside out, not outside in.

Success is just being happy. And I try so many different things. I do a lot of different things. Because I think God has helped me to love myself. I know who God is, and I love God.

With Prince especially... he was a really great songwriter and keyboardist and singer and was so good at so many different things, you couldn't pin him down. That really inspires me.

I think that's what's great about being an actress is you get to learn so many different things like that, like learning a little bit of Tibetan here, learning a Southern accent there.

Ooh, I'd love to be in a movie with Meryl Streep or Martin Scorsese. There are so many different things I want to do, maybe like a possessed child or an evil something... I don't know!

The difficulty for me is that I'm interested in so many different things. I could never really imagine myself doing one thing, and I'm pretty sure that I'll end up doing four or five different things.

Because I feel like I can do so many different things, and people like my music for different reasons, I don't feel pigeonholed. I think people are always going to appreciate whatever direction I take.

I feel like my music has so many different things going on. I've always worked with many different producers. And a lot of times, each of them has a different thing that I really love about what they do.

Some people don't have to be on the screen all day and they could be making interest on so many different things and making money. I look at people like that. Those are the kind of entrepreneurs I look at.

You know, art is very emotional business. But mostly it becomes not emotional, the fabric of commodity. It becomes business. It becomes so many different things. Because we forgot there was emotions involved.

For my grandmother's generation, the big invention was cake mix; for our moms, it was the microwave, and for me, it's the iPhone. And that's enabled us to do so many different things more efficiently at home.

If there's one thing that I know how to do, it's talk to actors. From what I have experienced working with so many different directors in so many different things, a lot of them don't really know how to talk to us.

I grew up listening to so many different things, and having a dad that also sang, music was innately born into me. Going through high school and college, I'd go see anyone who came to town, it didn't matter the genre.

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