There's so many different ways to play Mozart.

The black community is under attack in so many different ways.

'Luke Cage' is a gift. There's so many different ways you can look at it.

South Central's been portrayed so many different ways in the media for however long.

No matter what era you're looking at - war affects things in so many different ways.

I think it is important to remember that there are so many different ways to be sisters.

People are all vulnerable in so many different ways. We go into survival mode a lot of times.

There are so many different ways to make your family. I'm just super-grateful to have my children.

I travel in so many different ways; I travel high, I rough it... it all depends on who I travel with.

There's so many different ways to get yourself out there, a lot more options than when we first came out.

It's a blessing as an artist to express myself - whether that be via dance, via song or via speech - in so many different ways.

I'm not sure what 'cheeky' means. I hear it used so much and in so many different ways, I can't identify the real meaning of it.

One of the most untruthful things possible, you know, is a collection of facts, because they can be made to appear so many different ways.

As for the notion that everything has already been said, maybe it has, but life is like meatloaf: there are so many different ways to present it.

There's so many different ways to cheat. People think infidelity is the way to cheat. I think it's sometimes far worse to emotionally cheat on somebody.

Anyone who says you can't do anything with short hair is wrong! Every day, my style turns into something new, and there are so many different ways you can wear it.

When I have to play the same role every day, I have the flexibility to play the character in so many different ways. It's almost like playing five different roles.

The thing is, there are so many different ways to make music these days with virtual instruments, software applications, physical instruments, and computer programs.

With love, there are so many layers to it that you can write all day about it. It's not just heartbreak or falling in love; there's so many different ways to look at it.

Precious, she gets hit by life so many different ways and so many times, but she doesn't yield to it. She continues to get up and she continues to struggle for a better life.

I love to read books that focus on parenting topics because there are so many different ways to do things. I find these books offer a lot of great opinions on many different subjects.

It is great to see Bollywood celebrities contributing to so many different trends in so many different ways. I think this is one of the reasons that people associate with Bollywood glamour.

Clive Barker is just genius, and he's incredibly gifted in so many different ways. He can write and direct and paint and do all these different things, and he can do them all extremely well.

I have worked with wool all my life as a designer. There's so much more to it than knitwear - it's an amazingly versatile material and can be used in so many different ways from chic to rustic.

I'm a shooter myself so I know what it's like to have a shot, but I would would love to have a different way of dominating with the size that Bron has. He can dominate in so many different ways.

Try as hard as we may for perfection, the net result of our labors is an amazing variety of imperfectness. We are surprised at our own versatility in being able to fail in so many different ways.

The root of the problem I have is anxiety, and it's all derived from something - I'm just going to say it, some kind of sadness. It manifests in so many different ways and it affects people differently.

I think if we're going to have to landfill trash, and I think we basically have to, we might as well get the upside for it and dedicate that upside to improving the environment in so many different ways.

Love is going to be experienced so many different ways by so many different people, and that's what makes it so special and unique, and that doesn't necessarily have to be classified by a type of person.

Because I get my hair styled in so many different ways, when I get the chance to be natural and just me as a person and not an actress, I like to have a stable, consistent look that reminds me that I'm me.

There are so many different ways of making people laugh and sometimes you sit down to watch something that everyone says is hilarious and within a couple of minutes you realise its comedy that isn't for you.

I believe, in the stock market - that's one of my fields - that most people are irrational. And to be irrational, you can be irrational in so many different ways that, practically, the result is indeterminate.

Cate Blanchett is somebody who's transformed herself in so many different ways and worked with so many amazing actors and directors. If I was gonna model my career after somebody's, it would definitely be hers.

I suppose the cult of the strong woman character on TV has probably been misinterpreted in so many different ways, meaning that a woman can't be emotionally complicated or want things or can't be weak in moments.

My philosophy comes from a worldview that looks at the world as one. It's a holistic view that sees the world as interconnected and interdependent and integrated in so many different ways, which informs my politics.

'Saw' has been a unique experience in that I've had the opportunity to work with some really great artists, and everyone has contributed in so many different ways, in all of the different departments of a film crew.

But because our organization has grown so much and in so many different ways, the delegation process places responsibility and authority on the shoulders of people you can watch grow and watch the way they treat others.

I try to cancel out every possibility of losing the fight, and this runs through my head all day long. I'm seeing myself become smashed in the face, cut, or being submitted or being knocked out in so many different ways all day long.

I could go on and on and on about how we use the word 'place' in so many different ways. About how somebody might ask you 'Where you at?' And they're not asking where are you sitting, where are you living, they're asking: 'How are you doing?

Don't become too attached to your own myopia. Just because you've found a way to do things doesn't mean it's the way to do things. There are so many different ways in which to navigate this so-called life. Be open to experiencing more than one.

I think it's hard to describe my style in one sentence. It depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I'll dress more street; other times, I'll dress more classy. I have so many different ways that I can express myself, so my style is pretty versatile.

People can get their news any way they want. What I love about what's happened is that there are so many different avenues, there are so many different outlets, so many different ways to debate and discuss and to inquire about any given news story.

I've got the greatest job in the world. There's no other job in government where cause and effect is so tightly coupled where you can make a difference every day in so many different ways and in so many different people's lives. It's a great challenge.

I think 'Tattoo's a song that can go so many different ways. Some people think of it as a break-up song, but, for me, it's about somebody who comes into your life and really touches you - be they a friend, a family member or someone you're in a relationship with.

A good novel is an out-of-self experience. It lifts you off the ground so that you have the sensation of flying. It says, 'Look at the world around you; learn from the people in these pages, neither quite me nor quite you, how life is lived in so many different ways.'

The ability to take pleasure in one's life is a skill and is a kind of intelligence. So intelligence is a hard thing to evaluate and it manifests itself in so many different ways. I do think the ability to know how to live a life and not be miserable is a sign of that.

People ask me, 'How's 'Teen Wolf?' and I tell them it's literally the best job I've ever had. It's hard. Everybody wants to be a series regular. It's something that a lot of actors would kill to have. That being said, it's very demanding of you, in so many different ways.

When I look in the mirror, I don't see a person who's made the kind of impact that Mia Hamm made on the game. She's still my idol, the greatest player and the greatest teammate. She achieved so much in so many different ways. What she did for women's soccer can't be measured.

I'm married to Senator Vincent Hughes of Pennsylvania, so I always am speaking my mind. I remember, growing up, my parents were always involved in what was going on in the community, and their involvement helped me in so many different ways and other people within our community.

I became interested in structure when I was in graduate school. How is it that the brain perceives structure in a sometimes disorganized and chaotic world? How and why do we categorize things? Why can things be categorized in so many different ways, all of which can seem equally valid?

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