You couldn't put me in a social group setting. I'm probably a terrible anarchist deep down.

I have a very normal social group that I really feed off of. They ground me. They're super supportive.

Violence against women and children resembles an epidemic. It has spread through society, sparing no social group or class.

No citizen or social group can be completely isolated from politics, because policy decisions and actions affect their lives.

Fashion has a political role insofar as following it can give you the impression to belonging to a certain social group or a private club.

I was always kind of searching for the right social group in high school and never really felt like I belonged with any one specific clique.

In high school, I made friends with people in every social group. Or at least that's how I perceived it. I thought they liked me. Maybe they didn't!

Within each such social group, a feeling of solidarity prevails, a compelling need to work together and a joy in doing so that represent a high moral value.

Social psychology is especially interested in the effect which the social group has in the determination of the experience and conduct of the individual member.

I lived with my auntie and my cousin when I was growing up, and they always wore black, and I thought it was quite chic. It wasn't a goth or a social group sort of thing.

The irony of our social group is that so often everyone feels this, but there's no company whatsoever in that feeling. Think of Pound's great emphasis, the way out is via the door.

At every point I am besieged by people who would like me to conform to some social norm of whatever sort of social group they expect me to be a part of. I never have any identification with these social groups.

No one, no social group, can today avoid the commitment to contribute to the clean up of public finances in order to prevent the financial collapse of Italy. The sacrifices will not be in vain, especially if the economy begins to grow again.

Every different social group that I encountered had its different set of rules, so you learn very quickly how to pick up the nuances and change yourself accordingly. When you are not from anywhere, you have to try to find what's universal. You are always trying to fit in.

There's an old little jingle: 'The chief use of slang is to show that you're one of the gang.' What that means is that every social group has its own linguistic bonding mechanism. If there's a group of lawyers, they have their own slang. If there's a group of doctors, they have their own slang, and so on.

Women are the most denigrated social group in the Soviet Union. The idea of women's emancipation is only a slogan in - but also, I should say, in many places outside - the Soviet Union. But especially in the militaristic Soviet society, people only thought of life in terms of struggle and the workers' toil.

There's public humor, and there's private humor, and they're all appropriate in their own way, and you shouldn't - just as you wouldn't have a megaphone and say certain things that you would say around your friends - things that are perfectly all right within your close social group with whom you share a certain context.

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