You're in for something special!

To be first is something special.

I want to be great, something special.

I always knew I had something special.

The Attitude Era was something special.

There's something special about 'Looking.'

God made something special when He made you.

It is always something special to play Roger.

A final in Berlin is always something special.

It is something special coming back to Manchester.

Sometimes a crazy idea can make something special.

I think Warped Tour's bringing something special to me.

My mom and dad did something special when they made me.

The FA Cup for all the fans does mean something special.

It's something special being able to build a program up.

The art gods cooked up something special for James Ensor.

I think England's always good at making something special.

There is something special when creative people get together.

To get my master's, obviously that would be something special.

I always try to give all of my fans something special for them.

There's something special about the influence a woman has on me.

When someone does something special for me, I always cherish it.

Playing at the highest level really is something special for me.

That's my ultimate goal, just being a part of something special.

Rocky Marciano had such guts and heart. He was something special.

It's something special to break the world record at the Olympics.

When I was little, I used to adore gold. It was something special.

That's all I ever wanted to do is win and build something special.

I don't want something special. I want something beautifully plain.

My life may not be something special But it's never been lived before.

I am interested in beauty when it has something special and mysterious.

You're traveling all over the world but to be home is something special.

Just understand that the type of music that I make is something special.

Winning anything is always the goal but the FA Cup is something special.

It is something special when you play a final at home in your own stadium.

When you wear your signature scent, you feel something special from within.

If the timing's right and the gods are with you, something special happens.

To play at Old Trafford in a Manchester shirt I think is something special.

I am not conscious of the fact that something special should be done for me.

Mary Queen of Scots was my first love, and that is always something special.

The important thing is staying together if you want to do something special.

I don't want the abnormal or something special. I want to have a normal life.

You put two fiery all-stars on the same team, something special has to happen.

I will only do a Hollywood film when there is something special offered to me.

There is something special which rides on a game between Liverpool and United.

This is something special. You can attempt to have a kind of non-living music.

There's something special about shoes, they give you a high like nothing else.

UNC symbolizes something special. When you get chills you know you belong here.

I want to be remembered as a Liverpool player who was part of something special.

There is something special and different about being a father to twin daughters.

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