The outside lights were on, and it was snowing, and it looked like magic. Like we were somewhere else. Like we were someplace better.

The most damaging erroneous belief about happiness is, of course, that happiness is somewhere else--that is, that it is not with you.

The miracle of love comes to you in the presence of the uninterpreted moment. If you are mentally somewhere else, you miss real life.

I think obviously there is some kind of life form somewhere else. Whether it looks like the creature in 'Alien Autopsy,' I'm not sure.

We delude ourselves into believing that morality comes from somewhere else, whereas in reality we behave as we've been told to behave.

Seeking you go astray seeking you go in dreams seeking you go somewhere else and truth is here. Seeking, you go then; and truth is NOW

Some of my songs are about the feeling you belong somewhere else. But there's also something grounding about coming from a small town.

That okay. I'll go find somewhere else to sleep." Her fingers wrap around my arm. "You don't have to go anywhere. I feel safe with you.

I've had great times in Utah, but regardless of where I'm playing, whether it's there or somewhere else, I'm going to stay professional.

I will not stand here to be insulted by you, hedgepig," Mangiz fumed. "Then stand somewhere else and I'll insult you there, featherbag!!

Look, if you think your need to complain is more important than the lives of the people that are counting on us, go whine somewhere else!

The joy is in the journey, not the destination. We have a better chance of seeing where we are when we stop trying to get somewhere else.

When I was growing up, I always wanted to be somebody else and live somewhere else. I've always felt a little uncomfortable around people.

Very, very rarely will I leave San Antonio to speak somewhere else. I used to do that, and it just about wore me out, so I quit traveling.

If companies don't think systemically enough - if they try to capture too much of the value - eventually, innovation moves somewhere else.

In the NBA you are pretty confident but you are one phone call away from being somewhere else; you've just got to be ready for everything.

Before 2000, we were unable to design a single car; all the cars were designed in Japan, Europe or somewhere else. We were just converting.

I'm always really interested in different environments and how they affect people's lives and what it would be like to live somewhere else.

I was a kid who liked art and theater and dance and music, but if you lived in Harlem, high culture was somewhere else, and it wasn't black.

The tears of the world are a constant quality. For each one who begins to weep, somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.

Leave your pride, ego, and narcissism somewhere else. Reactions from those parts of you will reinforce your children's most primitive fears.

When I write a page that reads badly I know that it is myself who has written it. When it reads well it has come through from somewhere else.

My home was in a pleasant place outside of Philadelphia. But I really lived, truly lived, somewhere else. I lived within the covers of books.

The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep, somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.

I'm gonna be real everywhere I go, but I'm with my people, I'm connected to my roots - I'm in my country! I don't need to live somewhere else.

And every good artist knows that the gift comes from somewhere else, and it's there for a reason, and that's to make the world a better place.

I only ever take one picture of one thing. Literally. Never two. So then that picture is taken and then the next one is waiting somewhere else.

What happens is, when I perform, I'm somewhere else. I go back in time and get in touch with who I really am. I forget my troubles, my worries.

Film work can be tedious and sort of all over the place, especially when you have a family and you're going off and doing things somewhere else.

I think ever since I was a kid I knew subconsciously that I wanted to be an actor. I would walk around the house pretending I was somewhere else.

And when our sun explodes and we are all destroyed, we'll be rocks and chunks of I am not sure what, and maybe we'll rain down on somewhere else.

You cannot put a contaminant in the ground and just think that Mother Nature whips it up and runs it off somewhere else and we never see it again.

I'll try and be what he loves to call me, 'a little woman,' and not be rough and wild, but do my duty here instead of wanting to be somewhere else.

For me, the sketching of dresses was about fantasy and dreams. In my little room at home, I felt that I was somewhere else. In Paris, for instance.

People don't actually stay still, you know - when their area is a disaster, they go somewhere else, right? And that's just a natural human impulse.

We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.

People who believe they'll be happy if they go and live somewhere else, learn it doesn't work that way. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

We're all the same, we all think its better somewhere else; its better being older if you're younger - or its better being younger when we're older.

Some say that no one ever leaves Montreal, for that city, like Canada itself, is designed to preserve the past, a past that happened somewhere else.

Transitions are almost always signs of growth, but they can bring feelings of loss. To get somewhere new, we may have to leave somewhere else behind.

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.

I think it's probably better to make a region your own, and then maybe you can go somewhere else, but a lot of great writers have stuck to one region.

I would say that the U.S. has overlooked Latin America. Their priorities have always been somewhere else. And that is a problem and that is a mistake.

I definitely people-watch. I often see photos of myself with my children: I'm always in the background with my mouth wide open, looking somewhere else.

The waste products in Earth's crust are also the human in this expanded, spectral sense. One's garbage doesn't go 'away' - it just goes somewhere else.

When you write, you're supposed to go stand somewhere else for a while, see things from a perspective that's not in line with your own reflexive truths.

I probably felt most out of place as a young kid growing up in Sri Lanka. My mental world was somewhere else, partly because of reading and daydreaming.

You have to respect and understand the environment. So I don't think it's a case of taking anything from Ostersund and transferring it to somewhere else.

Here today, up and off to somewhere else tomorrow! Travel, change, interest, excitement! The whole world before you, and a horizon that's always changing!

If Hollywood was somewhere else, if Hollywood was in Lincoln, Nebraska, then obviously celebrities would be coming around a lot more to the Huskers games.

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