Obviously I love Arsenal. But it's time for me to make it there or go somewhere else.

The pain is there; when you close one door on it, it knocks to come in somewhere else.

After that one fitnah, every time it calms down in one place, it starts somewhere else.

I don't want to be gone. I don't want to be somewhere else. I consider myself a Yankee.

Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else.

If you don't like it, go somewhere else, to another universe where the rules are simpler.

I just loved the feeling of performing, of using my imagination to take me somewhere else.

If you like using CVS, you should be in some kind of mental institution or somewhere else.

I was from somewhere else. Then all of a sudden I was here, in New York. With one suitcase.

Nashville only thrives when talented people from out of town move here from somewhere else.

It's good to have plans and dreams, but don't be surprised if God brings you somewhere else.

By 2016, the people who had looked to [Barack] Obama for change were looking somewhere else.

Maybe I'll quit after my time at Bayern; maybe I will play somewhere else for one more year.

They took all our land; I don't have any land to toil. My crops have to grow somewhere else.

Every body about me seem'd happy but every body seem'd in a hurry to be happy somewhere else.

A lot of peopletell me I'm a bit dreamy, but I like the idea of that. Of being somewhere else.

We want to see football. If people want to see acting, they go somewhere else, not the stadium.

This is the sleep: being absent, being not present to the present moment, being somewhere else.

I would wake up in Moscow or somewhere else, my heart beating fast, feeling bitter and helpless.

I don't like parties. There was never a party I was at where I didn't wish I was somewhere else.

It's been my experience that every time I think I know where it's at, it's usually somewhere else.

It is the nature of stone to be satisfied. It is the nature of water to want to be somewhere else.

I’d much rather pretend I’m somewhere else, and any time I open the pages of a book, that happens.

As long as you look for a Buddha somewhere else, you'll never see that your own mind is the Buddha

I don't think that because you die and move on to somewhere else that you lose your sense of humor.

The hangover was brutal but he didn't mind. It told him he had been somewhere else, someplace good.

The only way to make money as a manager is to win in one place, get fired and hired somewhere else.

As long as you look for a Buddha somewhere else, you'll never see that your own mind is the Buddha.

I think it's true of a lot of teenagers that you're convinced that life is happening somewhere else.

The problem with popularity is that if it gets too popular everybody leaves and goes somewhere else.

If you're not doing something or saying something in comedy, the camera is going to go somewhere else.

Time was away and somewhere else, There were two glasses and two chairs And two people with one pulse.

I love watching movies. It breaks up the monotony of the road and momentarily takes you somewhere else.

I know how lazy I am. So if I have to go somewhere else I can't get to easily, I talk myself out of it.

If you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up somewhere else. Not all those who wander are lost.

If I'm offered a good case in Florida or a good case somewhere else, South Florida will win every time.

Have a place for everything and keep the thing somewhere else. This is not advice, it is merely custom.

Whenever I retire, I'll still be playing the game, whether that's at an L.A. Fitness or somewhere else.

Everyone lets the present moment slip by, then looks for it as though he thought it were somewhere else.

As a writer, you want to go somewhere else sometimes. You want to vary the terrain that you're exploring.

People still come up to me and ask whether I am Louise Brown or if they've seen me somewhere else before.

It's great to just disappear, grab a suitcase, switch the answering machine on and just go somewhere else.

From where we stand the rain seems random. If we could stand somewhere else, we would see the order in it.

...sometimes it only makes one more lonely to know that somewhere else, one's friends and family are well.

Whenever in history, equality appeared on the agenda, it was exported somewhere else, like an undesirable.

Maybe I'm just a psycho, and the stage is a better place to go than either the loony bin or somewhere else.

Chekhov is this poet of melancholy and isolation and of wishing you were somewhere else than where you are.

It's one thing to carry your life wherever you go. Another thing to always go looking for it somewhere else.

If there isn't a parking space out front or I can't see my car from the window, we're eating somewhere else.

When it comes to your marriage, if the grass looks greener somewhere else, it's time to water your own yard!

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