I have a lot of friends in South Carolina.

South Carolina is a great place to be from.

South Carolina is not a state; it is a cult.

Tourism is our No. 1 industry in South Carolina.

God bless the people of the State of South Carolina.

South Carolina State Rep. Mike Pitts wants to ban money.

John McCain was victimized in the South Carolina primary.

I'm Nikki Haley, Governor of the great state of South Carolina.

South Carolina is more of a conservative state than a Republican state.

South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.

The last state to admit a black student to the college level was South Carolina

The last state to admit a black student to the college level was South Carolina.

In 2020, no child should go hungry, and yet, in South Carolina 1-in-5 children do.

We don't have unions in South Carolina because we don't need unions in South Carolina.

I'm fully aware of the tricks that are often played in elections here in South Carolina.

The history of Black Americans in South Carolina is riddled with trials and tribulations.

My wife's family lives up in South Carolina, so we go back and forth quite a bit up there.

The climate change issue is real and we are seeing its effects right here in South Carolina.

In 1996, a Republican governor in South Carolina tried to take the flag down. He was voted out.

My family, like many families here in South Carolina, have faced difficult financial situations.

I've been elected numerous times in South Carolina. If I'm on the ballot, I'm going to win South Carolina.

I am glad to see the Confederate battle flag gone from a place of honor at the South Carolina state capitol.

As political primaries approach, national media attention focuses on Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

It's funny, but we were living on this small island off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina when I was 9.

In South Carolina, Senator John Edwards won handily, fulfilling his promise to win every state he was born in.

It is my hope that as South Carolina senators, that we will stand up for what is best and good about our state.

Part of what makes South Carolina so beautiful is the land we conserve for wildlife and for future generations.

Donald Trump has more delegates than anybody. He won all 50 delegates in South Carolina. He`s got a strong lead.

The University of South Carolina has always played a role in my life and the intellectual life of South Carolina.

I thought Trump really exposed himself as a truther, and I don't think that will play real well in South Carolina.

I was on the campaign trail for 18 months. I never got a question about the District of Columbia in South Carolina.

I was born in South Carolina. On my dad's farm, I didn't have much. I'm just a poor kid who worked in a produce market.

The United States attorney in South Carolina was a Barack Obama appointee. Politically, he is to the left of Mao Zedong.

I'm from South Carolina. I'm from a real cultured state, where there's still racism daily. Still, places are segregated.

When I went through Marine boot camp in Paris Island, South Carolina, we actually did have bayonets that we trained with.

I'm Egyptian, and my parents stupidly decided to move us down to South Carolina when I was five, which was pretty brutal.

No Republican has ever won South Carolina and Iowa or New Hampshire, as Trump has, without going on to win the nomination.

Back home in South Carolina, you have a lot of little soul food restaurants you can run to and get some quick, decent food.

In South Carolina, there's a lot of arts programs. So I was blessed enough to go to the Governor School For Arts & Humanities.

All of us in the Ball family in South Carolina, from the time we're children, hear stories about our ancestors, the slave owners.

Climate change is threatening ecosystems in South Carolina, while making it less safe and more costly to live along our coastline.

South Carolina put George H.W. Bush into the White House. But George W. Bush into the White House and sent Jeb Bush back to Miami.

It is a matter of common knowledge that the government of South Carolina is under domination of a small ring of cunning, conniving men.

The rivalry is huge between South Carolina and Clemson. It's major bragging rights; one of the most intense things I've been a part of.

We are no strangers to hurricanes in South Carolina. These storms are part of life, especially in the Lowcountry and all along our coast.

I moved to New York City from Texas in 2007, where I lived for two years. Before that, I lived in South Carolina for the majority of my life.

Well, I was born in Louisiana, but I grew up in South Carolina, which both are definitely very different than LA, but I miss the thunderstorms.

Over the years, I've traveled to many places for inspiration and research, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, California, and Hawaii.

South Carolina needs a Senator who cares about South Carolina, who fights for you, who understands and feels your pain, and works to address it.

Well, I'm from the South originally. I grew up in South Carolina definitely learning about manners and being proper and having to go to cotillions.

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