He's a specialist in failure.

I became a specialist at comedic one-liners.

I always try to be a universalist, not a specialist.

A specialist is someone who does everything else worse.

Lampard is a specialist in insulting people very badly.

Being a specialist is one thing, getting a job is another.

Specialists are people who always repeat the same mistakes.

All other men are specialists, but his specialism is omniscience.

I do say I'm a specialist in divas. Name a diva - I've worked with 'em.

I am not a specialist but a general practitioner in the world of the arts.

You don't have to be the specialist on everything. You can try to inform yourself.

I don't need players who won't track back, and I'm certainly not keen on specialists.

What we call art would seem to be specialist artifacts for enhancing human perception.

When we know as much about people as hog specialists know about hogs, we'll be better off.

The exercise of reason is not available only to specialists; it is accessible to everyone.

When we know as much about people as hog specialists know about hogs, we'll be better off.

The autistic brain tends to be a specialist brain, good at one thing, bad at something else.

Most politicians are either generalists or specialists. It's very rare that a politician is both.

We should show Chernobyl to the world: scientists, environmental specialists, historians and tourists.

Thinking about the universe has now been handed over to specialists. The rest of us merely read about it.

What a delightful thing is the conversation of specialists! One understands absolutely nothing and it's charming.

Everyone says you have to be a specialist, and if you conduct Wagner you cannot conduct Mozart - this is nonsense.

I will tell you another thing, we Argentines criticise Messi because we are specialists in criticising what is ours.

Given one well-trained physician of the highest type he will do better work for a thousand people than ten specialists.

A draft doesn't produce the people we need to satisfy our real manpower shortage. We need specialists to keep our jets flying.

At Oculus, we're now looking at eye specialists, people who really understand how the human eye works, and how that affects human emotion.

In 1983, NASA invited Canada to fly three payload specialists, in part because we had contributed the robotic arm that is used on the shuttle.

We are specialists who have something special to say. We have had no problem with working in any state interested in evaluating their policies.

There are lots of brilliant free kick specialists in the world. But the technique of Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckham fascinates me most of all.

When you need help, you have to look for it: at times, it's necessary. People are specialists; that's what they're there for. You have to use them.

Some international law specialists compare the invasion of Iraq to the 'crimes against the peace' for which Nazi leaders were indicted at Nuremberg.

The individual Siemens businesses must be able to keep up with the specialists in the industry and be at least as good as their strongest competitors.

I have a whole slew of doctors. I can count eight in my phone right now - eight different doctors, all for different parts of my body. I have specialists.

People with highly transferable skills may be specialists in certain areas, but they're also incredible generalists - something businesses that want to grow need.

The CIA now assesses that four nations - Iraq, North Korea, Russia and, to the surprise of some specialists, France - have undeclared samples of the smallpox virus.

How wrong Emily Dickinson was! Hope is not "the thing with feathers." The thing with feathers has turned out to be my nephew. I must take him to a specialist in Zurich.

There's so much knowledge to be had that specialists cling to their specialties as a shield against having to know anything about anything else. They avoid being drowned.

Juventus are specialists because they have the habit to win and the habit to put pressure on the referee. It's a club with a culture to try to do everything to help the team.

Whenever I felt happy about having discovered something, the first encounter, not only with the public, with other musicians, with specialists, etc, was that they rejected it.

It is really, really wonderful that in your old age you are protected by specialists who understand your problems and sort them out for you. Well, isn't that what we all need?

The conquest of space is not merely a technological project of interest to a handful of select scientists and specialists, valuable though that research and information may be.

Somebody has to pay our editors, writers, journalists, designers, developers, and all the other specialists whose passion and tears go into every chunk of worthwhile web content.

The first time cyber was even a panel discussion at the Munich Security Conference, which is - I mean, we've got hundreds of specialists there - was 2011. That's how long it took.

It's rather like attending a university seminar where you are talking to a few gifted specialists who deliver a paper to an audience of their peers. That's one way of making music.

Profit and fame will not develop Indian football. Professionals, technique development, legacy specialists, and experts in football business, will develop India as football country.

There exists a cell of policemen within the Delhi Police which is accountable to no one but itself. Operating without uniforms, these are the dreaded encounters specialists of Delhi.

I am fundamentally an anthropologist and a rationalist. What I say is that human societies are very different from what specialists call 'animal society' because the former have religion.

After assembly complete, when we have a larger crew on orbit, a more complex vehicle, more laboratories and more robot arms, maybe we'll have room for specialists. But right now we don't.

As specialists of apparent life, stars serve as superficial objects that people can identify with in order to compensate for the fragmented productive specialisations that they actually live.

The Single Market is no-where defined in the E.U. treaties. If you suddenly ask people to define the Single Market, the number who can do that, who are specialists in the area, is pretty small.

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