Open your heart. Don't be spiteful.

Wretched are those who are vindictive and spiteful.

It would be spiteful to put a Jellyfish in a trifle.

Vanity well fed is benevolent. Vanity hungry is spiteful.

I am a sick man...I am a spiteful man. I am a most unpleasant man.

I like to write when I feel spiteful; it's like having a good sneeze.

I like to write when I feel spiteful. It is like having a good sneeze.

The kind of solace that arises from having company in misery is spiteful.

He's not only a good player, but he's spiteful in the nicest sense of the word.

No blade can puncture the human heart like the well-chosen words of a spiteful son.

It is the nature of the unfortunate to be spiteful, and to envy those who are well to do.

There will have been girls my age who stopped playing because of the spiteful things that were said to them.

I loved playing the headmistress in 'The Falling' - she was so spiteful. She certainly fancied herself quite a lot.

For no one, in our long decline, So dusty, spiteful and divided, Had quite such pleasant friends as mine, Or loved them half as much as I did.

People is, I think, it's their nature - some people's nature, in a way, to be angry or jealous or just spiteful about somebody else's blessings.

There's people that have all these other qualities, but if you've got a spiteful streak, that will take you to realms people have no concept of.

Appliances have idiosyncracies, just like us. Unfortunately they have picked up our less attractive traits - they are proud, spiteful, and unforgiving.

I'm not sure it pays to do anything remotely public in Britain. It's such a spiteful society. People seem to enjoy making your life hard for the sake of it.

Poetry criticism at its worst today is mean in spirit and spiteful in intent, as if determined to inflict the wound that will spur the artist to new heights if it does not cripple him or her.

Formality is sufficiently revenged upon the world for being so unreasonably laughed at; it is destroyed, it is true, but it hath the spiteful satisfaction of seeing everything destroyed with it.

The British press have written some nasty and spiteful things about the way I look which used to affect me quite badly when it was new to me but luckily, I've learned to ignore the comments. why do they even care about how I look?

I have sometimes done cartoons that are hurtful to people - immature, spiteful stuff. Some are so self-indulgent, and some have just failed. I look back and sometimes cringe. But one regret as I get older is that I haven't been radical and wild enough.

The psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has shown great courage, in the face of spiteful vested interests, in demonstrating how easy it is for people to concoct memories that are entirely false but which seem, to the victim, every bit as real as true memories.

I am not making spiteful assertions now but merely stating the facts-that, for instance, among Hungarian generals there is such a considerable percentage of men of German origin, who of course had, in most cases, to alter their names if they wanted to get anywhere.

I'm not OK with clergy, students, and those of different opinions lying and expressing hateful speech in the name of love, but again, it is their constitutional right. I'm not OK with their conduct, but in America we tolerate it, as obnoxious and spiteful as it may be.

If I have any complaints about my youth... one is that many well-meaning adults lied to me. Not spiteful lies with malicious intent but lies designed to prevent emotional and psychological pain - lies told by the people who cared about me most: my parents, teachers, relatives.

I don't care if someone wants to say something derogatory or spiteful anymore. As I've grown older I've become wiser to the fact that vindictive people take pride in trying to make other people feel bad. I enjoy my life. If someone doesn't like what I do, that's up to them, I really don't care.

The way the Establishment deals with people like me is to ignore them. When you become unignorable, they will try to smear you, and that's what I feared for a long time. Now I have somehow vaulted into this space where it's difficult for someone to smear me because it would look as though they were being vindictive and spiteful.

You gotta deal with a lot of people, the naysayers... but I've always been the guy who kinda just smiles and laughs at it. I use it as constructive criticism to be honest. Whether they're intentionally trying to be kind of spiteful or not, it's constructive criticism because you can't say there's always truth to it but there's definitely something.

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