I feel electronica is spoiling the essence of music.

To me, a cat is an easy pet, they don't need any spoiling or looking after.

I love children. They're so much fun and I would have a blast spoiling them.

I love spoiling a party. I love it when someone is on a roll and just messin' that up.

The plot of 'Stranger Things' is so simple that even a brief description risks spoiling it.

Mysteries I read for fun, so I will probably never write one, for fear of spoiling the fun.

Poetry is a beautiful way of spoiling prose, and the laborious art of exchanging plain sense for harmony.

We absolutely have to restrain concentrations of wealth in industry from spoiling the situation for everybody.

The people may not be like that, but I think the media had a very dirty role in spoiling relations between us and India.

Spoiling my ballot paper is the only way I can see of stripping the system of legitimacy, shaking it up, and reforming it so that it favours citizens.

Chefs don't use white pepper just to avoid spoiling the whiteness of pommes puree or bechamel. It has a more peppery aroma, with sharpness and sweetness, too.

Nothing in this life is certain aside from death, taxes and English literature graduates writing in the Guardian and spoiling your enjoyment of things you had previously thought were fine.

Tanushree Dutta is spoiling my image with her fake 'me too' propaganda which she imported from America. She hates India and is bringing shame to the country with her antics. She loves America instead.

I would have been completely brainwashed by this lopsided and racist view of the world if it weren't for my father. He was a deep thinker and an irrepressible problem solver. He was a Black Socrates, asking why and then spoiling ready-made replies.

The woman who rules her roost is one of two things: she's illogical, therefore spoiling her children, or she's an iron-fisted disciplinarian, adopting the attitude that rightfully belongs to the man and losing the precious softness that is her birthright.

Giving consumers the choice of having it all in one big bite means different viewers are in many different places in the book, making it hard to discuss without spoiling the plot. The intervals between first-run programming provide a space for communion and that tantalizing sense of anticipation.

Al Jolson was my first husband. He always used to boast that he was spoiling me for any man who might come after him. I think Al sensed that it wasn't easy for me being married to an American institution... Was he right about spoiling me? I'm sorry. I couldn't possibly say. I couldn't be that indiscreet.

I remember while I was at school some of my Muslim friends talked about a handful of people spoiling things in every culture. Hatred or hurt or pain isn't specific to a religion. I think it's a matter of acceptance. The one thing the world has to accept is everybody is different. What is normal to us is different and unusual to somebody else.

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