I'm a sponge for information.

I drink no more than a sponge.

I was such a sponge with music.

I'm like a sponge: I like to listen.

You are like a sponge when you are young.

I am a sponge. I don't write things down.

I don't like tofu. I'd sooner eat a sponge.

I've always been kind of an information sponge.

A sponge sees everything? A sponge sees nothing.

Written by a sponge dipped in warm milk and sprinkled with sugar.

From what I've read, CM Punk is like a sponge when it comes to training.

I act as a sponge. I soak it up and squeeze it out in ink every two weeks.

I'm a sponge for historical images of black people and black history on film.

You can freeze a nice sponge cake and then have a strawberry shortcake any time.

If they can't suck money out of the Hamptons, a candidate really has to throw in the sponge.

I am very open to learning. I am like a sponge: I'd like to soak up in new things, new skills.

I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas.

To be honest, I'm like a sponge so my inspiration and influences really can come from anywhere.

There is a false idea that I am stubborn and do only what I want, but really, I am like a sponge.

A natural sponge is not as funny. A square sponge also fit that squeaky-clean idea I was going for.

Chocolate fondant, creme brule, and sponge cake with jam, cream and fresh berries are always winners.

I think I was always a little sponge as a kid, and I was always looking for more information constantly.

Flames from the lips may be produced by holding in the mouth a sponge saturated with the purest gasoline.

I've learned a lot, been a sponge and just continued to take criticism in stride in good positive energy.

I think one probably absorbs things like a sponge and things emerge without your always being aware of it.

I like 'Sponge Bob' and 'The Last Airbender.' I like shows where people get creative to do the impossible.

A sponge has that much absorbent capability and after a while you can pour water over it and nothing stays.

I need to go play the right way, listen to LeBron and be a sponge and try to soak up what he's going to tell me.

I'm a sponge. I sometimes don't want to go out of my house because it's like, 'Who's going to make me cry today?'

I'm just going to be a sponge. I'm going to be a good teammate. I'm going to be a hard worker, earn my respect first.

I can cook to please people, but it's quite conventional. I make a good sponge cake. I find it hard to follow recipes.

Children are very smart, in their own stupid way. A child's brain is like a sponge, and you know how smart sponges are.

I'm trying to be a sponge. People say, 'Well, that's what your rookie year is.' I still feel that way in my second year.

I try to be like a sponge when I'm around other actors, picking things up about the way they work and how they do things.

I won a prize for 'best sponge cake' at the Clacton Festival 2005. Having said that, I was only up against three other cakes.

My brain never turns off of songwriting. Every conversation, everything I see, I'm just kind of like a sponge and I soak it up.

I kind of like to be a sponge, in a way. So everywhere that I am, I like to keep an open mind and just get ideas from everything.

It is time for me to chuck in the sponge. To retire from films and stage. The heart for it has gone out of me: it won't come back.

If I'm seeing you, you're going to influence me. I'm sorry - I'm just that way. I'm a big sponge. You can't copyright an aesthetic.

I think, sometimes, you can just get really burnt out on something you enjoy doing and feel like the sponge is completely wrung dry.

Don't pretend to know everything. I've been blessed to work with a lot of veteran actors, and I soak up lessons from them like a sponge.

Clearly, for an organization to move on, it is the job of the leader to be that sponge that takes the stress from inside and the outside.

I wanted to do a show about a character that was an innocent, and so I focused on a sea sponge because it's a funny animal, a strange one.

I am like a sponge: I adore reading, watching films, and visiting museums and exhibitions. I am always in search of new things in many spheres.

Ah, lives of men! When prosperous they glitter - Like a fair picture; when misfortune comes - A wet sponge at one blow has blurred the painting.

I feel like I'm kind of a bit of a sponge in a way. Like, if people around me are going through things, I find it very hard not to be empathetic.

I learned things by being in Lester Flatts' band, and I learned things by playing with Johnny Cash, and I learned from Pop Staples. I'm a sponge.

Certainly I'm not going to sit on the Internet all day and read what Sam from Iowa is saying about me. But I'm a sponge. I've always been a sponge.

All I am doing every day is soaking in everything - I'm like a sponge, from all these award-winning directors, writers, and actors - as much as I can.

Frank Ocean would be incredible; I'd love to be a sponge and absorb everything he says. Every song he puts out, I'm like, 'Why didn't I think of this?'

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